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Whether you have a private practice, small business or work as an independant contractor there will be times when business is slow.  My personal story is that I own a small retail business which has a space where I have my own private massage & Reiki practice AND I work as an independant contractor on call at a local salon/spa.  This winter has been tough for me all around, and all though things have been picking up as the weather gets nicer, I still find myself having slow patches on all 3 business fronts.  Its very easy to fall into a negative thought pattern and get yourself "down in the dumps" so what I would like to hear is what everyone else is doing to stay motivated and keep the negative thoughts at bay.  Personally, since I am well aware of how easy it is to fall into that negatative spiral, I try to nip it in the bud with thoughts of gratitude and thinking of all the possibilities that are yet to come.  Lately its been getting harder to stay positive so thats why I am calling out to all of you.  Lets hear your methods and ideas of what keeps you going.


Looking forward to your replies!



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You're on the right track, Eden. That ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE will take you a long way. We all have our ups and downs and there's no doubt that some people suffer worse than others. I just try to be thankful every day, and when I get on a pity party, I will allow myself to wallow in it for about five minutes and then I start naming off to myself all the people I know who are worse off than I am. Coming from a military family, I think about the soldiers who have given all and those who would rather be home with their families instead of on some foreign soil. I think about all the families that I read about every day in our local newspaper whose homes are being foreclosed on, and those people, many of whom I know personally, who have lost their businesses, and I know that I am pretty damn lucky to still be here.

Blessings on you, and keep holding on!
Yes Laura, the attitude of gratitude makes a world of difference! We even hosted a workshop at my store that revolved around the Laws of Attraction. When my day is particularly difficult I tend to look over to my vision board and remind myself to keep faith that things will always work out for the best. Some days of course are harder than others, and yesterday was one of them. Being totally run down and dealing with rain didnt help any, but I made it through the day and today is much better. Attitude is definetly key :)

Laura Allen said:
You're on the right track, Eden. That ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE will take you a long way. We all have our ups and downs and there's no doubt that some people suffer worse than others. I just try to be thankful every day, and when I get on a pity party, I will allow myself to wallow in it for about five minutes and then I start naming off to myself all the people I know who are worse off than I am. Coming from a military family, I think about the soldiers who have given all and those who would rather be home with their families instead of on some foreign soil. I think about all the families that I read about every day in our local newspaper whose homes are being foreclosed on, and those people, many of whom I know personally, who have lost their businesses, and I know that I am pretty damn lucky to still be here.

Blessings on you, and keep holding on!
Hi Eden ! Hope you are well today, you certainly ask the right people, just post and the people will come. Wow I know how you feel, but when I get to the point where I start getting negative thoughts and start worring about where my next client is coming from then Ill go do some exercize then come back and try to get caught up with my paper work and by the time I think Im getting caught up They are here ! Now for the negative side of business. I do have times that I am slow and try to use that valuable time to research why my clients are not coming in and usually come up with a better scenario, that I havent tried and luckily for me it works. I recently was at work and had a new therapist call me and wanted to talk about business and how to start it up, and I said why do you want to talk to me, She replied well everytime I turn around my name comes up in conversation. Well all I have to say is I hope it is good, and set up a time for them to come see me and we both share thoughts, I feel very lucky that different therapist think enough of me to come and talk to me. Maybe you need to network with more therapist than you are because you never know when the right idea is going to pop up.Try it ! Peace Travis
Life for me is about Balance. Life was meant to be lived on an even plain. We as humans live it on a roller coaster. The busy days and the slow days are about Balance. They make that plain even. I am so grateful I know that today.
Hi Eden,

Lots of great responses posted; I live life the same way. It never fails to amaze me when I look ahead in my calender and the weeks not full. It usually works out to be a good thing because somethings happens I hadn't planned on and I'm grateful to have had the time available; your child gets sick, an important meeting was scheduled, something takes longer than you thought to complete, something gets planned I would benefit from attending......

Often, in the past, if the week wasn't full, I'd call another practitioner and schedule her for a trade. Or, I'd go to some networking event to get my name out there, or volunteer some time, or write an article for a local publication. Whatever happened, I'd fill the time with something to keep me busy and my mind off the schedule; then folks start calling.

The counting blessings thing works well to turn my negative thoughts around; it helps me go to sleep at night too when my mind won't quit. And sometimes I just gotta vent...

Best wishes and much success!
Thank you all for taking the time to respond. I really enjoy reading your thoughts and ideas and it seems that, for the most part, we are all on the same page. Ty mentioned that slow times are usually when its more about "me" time so to speak, and right now for me that cant be any more true. I am expecting my first child in August, and I think part of the slow business anxiety is amplified because of the new unknown for me. Its been a rough couple of months for my husband and I so now more than ever hearing eveyones positive feedback is wonderful. It helps me to keep myself in check knowing that others have been through this, others are currently going through this and there are certianly people out there that have is far worse than I. Having faith and being greatful through the tough times is a test, one which I have managed to pass before, so I need to remember that now is no different.
Also, I must admit, Robin and Travis hit on the networking element in which I am lacking. Maybe I should re-think things and say yes to the local chamber of commerce mixer invites. I seem to have pleanty of time on my hands (no pun intended..ok, maybe a little :) ...), I need to make the best of it.
Again, thanks everyone for your reply. Anyone else looking to add their thoughts and ideas, please feel free to jump in, I would love to read them.
I find that just inviting a couple of massage therapist friends out for dinner or coffee is a great way to adjust my attitude. Misery loves company, but sometimes just an informal chat with friends will help vent some of the pent up tension and you might even get a couple of good ideas on how to drum up more business.
Hi Eden,
First of all let me say congratulations on the almost new member of your family.Such a wonderful time in ones life.
I really believe that we are watched over and taken care of in this business .It is such an honor to be able to help people with the power of touch.
Sometimes I am so busy I have all I can do to just keep on putting one foot in front of the other.Then sometimes it is so slow I wonder if my phone is working,but I have come to know that it is the nature of the business and the slow times are for me to strengthen myself,body,mind and spirit.I exercise to keep my body strong.I meditate to strengthen my spirit and to stay grounded.And when I worry about something I call a friend to get encouragement,or I can come to this site and throw a question or a worry out there and I always get a lot of good ideas and insight from the regulars on this site.
I was also wondering if you are going to take a birthing class? That may be another place for you to meet people that you can relate to and also maybe pass out a business card or two.Birthing partners need massage too!
Anyway, it sounds like you have had a lot of wonderful advice all ready, I just wanted to say hello and to tell you to have faith and hang in there.Remember, you are always where you are are supposed to be to get the life lesson you need to be getting at the time.
Peace, Emma
Thank you for your positive insight :)

Emma Torsey said:
Hi Eden,
First of all let me say congratulations on the almost new member of your family.Such a wonderful time in ones life.
I really believe that we are watched over and taken care of in this business .It is such an honor to be able to help people with the power of touch.
Sometimes I am so busy I have all I can do to just keep on putting one foot in front of the other.Then sometimes it is so slow I wonder if my phone is working,but I have come to know that it is the nature of the business and the slow times are for me to strengthen myself,body,mind and spirit.I exercise to keep my body strong.I meditate to strengthen my spirit and to stay grounded.And when I worry about something I call a friend to get encouragement,or I can come to this site and throw a question or a worry out there and I always get a lot of good ideas and insight from the regulars on this site.
I was also wondering if you are going to take a birthing class? That may be another place for you to meet people that you can relate to and also maybe pass out a business card or two.Birthing partners need massage too!
Anyway, it sounds like you have had a lot of wonderful advice all ready, I just wanted to say hello and to tell you to have faith and hang in there.Remember, you are always where you are are supposed to be to get the life lesson you need to be getting at the time.
Peace, Emma
Hi Eden
how nice to be bringing a new life into the world, and how lucky you are to have a profession that can blend and bow with the demands of baby and career.

all the best :)

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