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hello fellow LMP!!


I have been thinking about changing my business name and I am not sure if its a good idea.


Currently it is Marla's Massage Works and over the years I have had clients (male) come to me for massage but its the sexual massage!! One client stated "Your massage really works uh?" Clients like that have been far a few between, but yuck!! I was thinking of changing it to Marla's Massage Therapy.


Does anyone have any feedback for me? Thanks:)



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What about Marla's Therapeutic Bodywork, or Marla's Therapeutic Massage, just an idea
I don't think your original name is questionable. I think even if you changed it some creeps out there would still find a way to make some sort of innuendo. I actually like the play on words of Marla's Massage Works. Either way, I think your name is fine.

@ Nate- I was thinking the same thing (play on words) I really like my name because it is easy and has my name in it and it has done great for me. @Maria- I like your sugggestions thank you so much.:)

Hi Marla, How long have you been in business with your current business name? That is one important thing to think about when you want to change your business name. That could cause problems with your current loyal clientele...

Good luck with your decision...
Hi Lara, i have been in business with my name for almost 9 years. Yes i was reading an article stating if you have had your business name for several years then its probably not a good idea to change it. It has done very well for me so I decided to keep it:) thank you for you feedback.


Lara Nabours said:
Hi Marla, How long have you been in business with your current business name? That is one important thing to think about when you want to change your business name. That could cause problems with your current loyal clientele...

Good luck with your decision...
Hi Marla - I don't think unethical clients are attracted or deterred by a business name. They just show up. A new or different name probably wouldn't change anything.
Your business name is informative, friendly and, as Nate mentioned, a fun play on words. I like it, too.
Instead of changing your name, as I agree with many already that it will not deter someone who has sexual intentions, perhaps just add a "tag line" that is more medical in terminology. That way old clients don't become affected. You could have it be Marla's Massage Works and underneath for professional & therapeutic massage.

also keep in mind that the play on words works for all of us because we know the term "bodywork" but to your client it may mean nothing. so you could even have the tag line be for professional & therapeutic bodywork.
great ideas!! thank you all @ Lisa- i like the tag line professional and ethical bodywork!! @Samantha, I like the sign idea either in the window or in the waiting area:) thanks


Lisa said:
Instead of changing your name, as I agree with many already that it will not deter someone who has sexual intentions, perhaps just add a "tag line" that is more medical in terminology. That way old clients don't become affected. You could have it be Marla's Massage Works and underneath for professional & therapeutic massage.

also keep in mind that the play on words works for all of us because we know the term "bodywork" but to your client it may mean nothing. so you could even have the tag line be for professional & therapeutic bodywork.
I have to go with those that say it isn't in the name. It is more in the way and where you advertise. Personally I thought the suggestion "Marla's Therapeutic Bodywork" Sounds the best. But what you have is also good. If you have a loyal clientel base and are looking to increase it, I wouldn't change anything. Work on promoting, like incentives for referrals.

I know none of us likes the requests for sexual favors. But how many guys do you know personally who don't enjoy being touched there? Guys ask, even to other guys. Obviously because they aren't getting enough elsewhere. If they politely take no for an answer, try and show them how they benefit from a straight massage. They may come back. On the other hand if you are getting guys that paw and continue to push it, you need policies in place and stated at the front that solicitation or sexual harassment will not be tolerated and may result in notification to the police.

Just my humble opinion as a male bodyworker

Let us know what you end up doing.
Actually Marla...I think my suggestion for the tag line was "professional & therapeutic bodywork"...not "ethical".

I actually don't like the "ethical". for me it's something that isn't needed to state. and it might even put that thought into people's minds that wouldn't have normally even thought about it.

again just my .02

Marla Barrett said:
great ideas!! thank you all @ Lisa- i like the tag line professional and ethical bodywork!! @Samantha, I like the sign idea either in the window or in the waiting area:) thanks


Lisa said:
Instead of changing your name, as I agree with many already that it will not deter someone who has sexual intentions, perhaps just add a "tag line" that is more medical in terminology. That way old clients don't become affected. You could have it be Marla's Massage Works and underneath for professional & therapeutic massage.

also keep in mind that the play on words works for all of us because we know the term "bodywork" but to your client it may mean nothing. so you could even have the tag line be for professional & therapeutic bodywork.
I like the tag line idea. I use several on signs and change them. I like the "Professional & Therapeutic Bodywork". Mind if I borrow it? I prefer to use Bodywork rather than massage because my modalities are mostly Asian based and almost oilless. I've been told "no one will know what you mean, just say massage". But you would be amazed to know how many people step in to find out what the difference is.

Lisa said:
Actually Marla...I think my suggestion for the tag line was "professional & therapeutic bodywork"...not "ethical".

I actually don't like the "ethical". for me it's something that isn't needed to state. and it might even put that thought into people's minds that wouldn't have normally even thought about it.

again just my .02

Marla Barrett said:
great ideas!! thank you all @ Lisa- i like the tag line professional and ethical bodywork!! @Samantha, I like the sign idea either in the window or in the waiting area:) thanks


Lisa said:
Instead of changing your name, as I agree with many already that it will not deter someone who has sexual intentions, perhaps just add a "tag line" that is more medical in terminology. That way old clients don't become affected. You could have it be Marla's Massage Works and underneath for professional & therapeutic massage.

also keep in mind that the play on words works for all of us because we know the term "bodywork" but to your client it may mean nothing. so you could even have the tag line be for professional & therapeutic bodywork.
oops yes Lisa you did state "professional and therapeutic bodywork" my typo :) @daniel -thanks for the great advice:)

Lisa said:
Actually Marla...I think my suggestion for the tag line was "professional & therapeutic bodywork"...not "ethical".

I actually don't like the "ethical". for me it's something that isn't needed to state. and it might even put that thought into people's minds that wouldn't have normally even thought about it.

again just my .02

Marla Barrett said:
great ideas!! thank you all @ Lisa- i like the tag line professional and ethical bodywork!! @Samantha, I like the sign idea either in the window or in the waiting area:) thanks


Lisa said:
Instead of changing your name, as I agree with many already that it will not deter someone who has sexual intentions, perhaps just add a "tag line" that is more medical in terminology. That way old clients don't become affected. You could have it be Marla's Massage Works and underneath for professional & therapeutic massage.

also keep in mind that the play on words works for all of us because we know the term "bodywork" but to your client it may mean nothing. so you could even have the tag line be for professional & therapeutic bodywork.

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