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Body Cells Carry Emotional Memory

                      By Boris Prilutsky

I found the theory that body cells carry emotional memories to be a true one. During my 38 years of clinical experience, numerous times I have witnessed the emotional reactions of my patients/clients to soft tissue mobilization. To more clearly explain this phenomenon, I would like to share one of my most interesting clinical experiences with you that support the theory of emotional memory being carried body cells.

Over 20 years ago, I treated one of the world-renowned boxers of the time from a shoulder injury. The right shoulder had a severe sprain/strain case with suspicion of possible rotator cuff tear. As with all such cases, after 24 hours of cold application procedures (cold application must be applied no more than 10-15 minutes and must be repeated every two hours) we started intensive massage therapy on the unaffected side in order to awake vasomotor reflex that will express by increasing blood supply to the injured extremities. I began to follow the treatment protocol for the above-mentioned purposes, starting to mobilize all groups of rotator cuff muscles layer by layer, as well as the anterior, posterior, and middle part of the deltoid muscles. As he was receiving the massage therapy, suddenly this big, tough, extremely strong man started crying, vocalizing sounds like that of a little boy. He was confused and expressed his embarrassment at breaking down in tears.

Being familiar with the theory that body cells carry emotional memory, I suggested to him to cry out whatever this emotional memory was. The sport clinical psychologist was informed of the incident. During his evaluation, this professional athlete, with the help of the psychologist, recovered a memory from his deep subconscious of an event that happened to him when he was eight years old.

Briefly, the story was that the boy's grandfather (his mother's father) once interrupted the constant fight between the boy's father and alcoholic mother; his grandfather attacked his father with a hammer. Afterward, the father was delivered in critical condition to the hospital and the grandfather was arrested. During this period of time, the little boy future boxing champion fell, off his bicycle and hurt his left shoulder. Crying, he came to his mom who was screaming into the phone, and asked her to comfort him because of the pain in his shoulder. His mother reacted in anger, and took his pleas as just whining for attention and she hit him with the phone a few times on this painful shoulder. All these years, on a subconscious level, this man carried difficult baggage of these memories of events related to losing the most important people in his life; his grandfather and father; and related to rejection by his mother. This kind of crying, emotional release tremendously helped this athlete to get rid of this subconscious trauma. This heavy emotional baggage was terribly disturbing and robbed him of a lot of happiness all these years, without him even knowing it existed. My experience has taught me that usually these emotional releases happen with people at the time when we perform massage (including deep tissue mobilization) in the inhibitory regime. Please be aware that emotional release may not be expressed by crying. Many clients may report to you that they have trouble sleeping and experience worry, or they may start shaking during the massage. Some of them will report unusual emotional sensitivity. Please explain to your clients that all above-mentioned reactions are very positive reactions and within the next few days of going through these reactions, they will feel a great deal better. Regarding the boxer whose case I presented to you, he later reported to me that he never thought that this subconscious baggage could destroy the quality and happiness of his life so much. He told me that thanks to this innocent massage therapy on the healthy shoulder, he was able to find peace within himself.

It's reasonable to assume that the memory of the emotional experience is stored somewhere in the brain - the system that is specialized in memory handling and remained inaccessible, as many other memories a human being experiencing during the life. But the shoulder cells hold the bookmark or a memory address of where the actual memories of the incident were stored in the brain. Thus by activating the shoulder cell you triggered the process of loading the content of that remote memory in the active memory, causing the aforementioned reaction.

As you can see from this episode, clinical psychology approach alone wouldn't be sufficient, because of the emotional memories carried by the cells of his body. Presently, I receive professional referrals from clinical psychologists.

Dear colleagues, I would like to encourage you to contact clinical psychologists in your neighborhoods and to offer them your services to incorporate massage therapy in their treatments. The Latin word "doctor" means educator. After being involved in many cases,at US it is clear to me that we should educate not only our clients about the power and importance of massage therapy, but also other health care practitioners.

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There is no reason for people to be rude on here. Trying to get an answer to a valid question is not rude. People skate around the issues, don't give answers to the questions people ask, go off on some kind of wild tangent, and it just creates more problems. Name calling is uncalled for and totally unprofessional.
You did a first rate job of clarifying the issue.  BTW, I find your youtube videos instructive.  Keep them coming!

Boris Prilutsky said:

Hi Gary.

I'm glad you did like my post.I hope you also saw my discussion with Raven. I believe we clarified all but most important some people probably learned from it.many times when I participate in discussions and even if some body else discussing different topics, personally I do learn. This site give us opportunity to do so.

Best wishes


PS.did you knew Dennis Tinerino?

Gary W Addis said:

Well said, friend Boris.

Boris Prilutsky said:

Hi Christopher.

I hope you will agree with me that the aging is unstoppable process. Yes I am not young anymore but thank God  still strong  and Happy man. Additional to all other extremely important gifts in my life such as my family, my friends, my hobbies, my happiness is fueled by my occupation that I love very much, and as much as possible  for my case competent  in it. Now let's talk about apricot Wolf.

Below is a link to this clip. When Michael Hinkle offer us this footage on energy work  group I was amazed by what I have witnessed. We saw very sick animal who have demonstrated symptoms of very difficult neurological disease. After this lady hold this animal for a while we all witnessed significant improvement such as less  degree of twisted neck, less forcible arch. My goodness. I was immediately excited so much and posted, that no doubt due to clinical outcome as well seeing no manipulation of soft tissue we all have witnessed some type of energy work. You immediately  posted statement expressing skeptic  view because this phenomenon impossible to explain. My reply to you was that there is no matter if we can explain it or not most important  that wolf got better. As a clinician I know how difficult to reach results in this cases of Autoimmune diseases. You still resisted and somehow we did have converted discussion to vigorous argument. Honestly I do regret. If would know that you have nothing to do with clinical work in treatment room wouldn't discuss with you this case .BTW.Not wasting time and because I was so excited, I have comment  on youtube that this is an amazing what  I saw and because placebo here excluded no doubt in my mind that I saw some type of energy healing. Just happened that my comment on this youtube clip was the first one. Today more than 100 people placed similar to my comments . Looks like come out that your opinion was in minority. But this is not important. Important that Wolf got better. And here is no discussions or argument having place. As a real scientist even who cannot explain this phenomenon have to accept most important what science is about “Wolf got better.”



in regard to research. I was trained, and practicing methods/protocols  that where developed through extensive research including control group, and medical statistic applications. Most important that this protocols clinically proving as a working-delivering results. Approximately 8 years ago, I share my knowledge in management of hypertension with Prof.Gura. He was very skeptical, because hypertension pandemically  affecting American population, causing strokes and heart attacks, costing a lot of money and suddenly some simple massage will make different?????? he stated that he is ready to believe that massage can help people who suffering from neck pains but  from hypertension??? I have convinced him to allow me to select few people who suffering from neck pain as well from hypertension, and let's try to eliminate pain in the neck region. On this he agreed. When he saw how this treatment have affected hypertensive phenomenon, he immediately contacted his friend Prof. of medicine who consider to be internationally known expert in hypertension Research. When this professor saw  data he also got skeptical and said this is placebo. I requested Amazon frock . When under sensors I performed 18 minutes of massage he wasn't anymore skeptical about the power of this treatment. Real scientist who started believing when saw clinical outcome. Was ready for large research, but we couldn't find money to sponsor it. Please click on link below to read preliminary report of this pilot studies . Any research  in our fields have to lead to clinical outcomes. Please read article on this subject.

I know that Vlad can survive without talking to me. It just wrong to happen this way.


Christopher A. Moyer said:

meta-analysis combines the results of several studies that address a set of related research hypotheses.usually one doing it when planning to write research protocol.otherwise for different "purposes" meta-analysis and all statistic that coming from it,having no value.


Well, you certainly cleared that up.  Iron-clad reasoning there.


you probably didn't  born when I already participate in researches including being principal investigator


Right, you're old, we got it.  39 years experience.


definitely I do not speak for you, but hoping that for said:"I'll be looking out for your class on Wolf Energy work when you advertise it on here." it does means that you even didn't bother to find out that in my post I talked about  youtube clip and not about classes.nothing wrong to talk about classes, this is what this site is for. To  exchange ideas, experiences, knowledge as well to promote CEs and other professional events.

you are very rude, and never again I would talk to you,


Poor Vlad, she'll be crushed I'm sure. 

Regarding Dennis Tinerino.  A very good man; he gave freely of his time.  His congenitally low arches (flat feet, or close to it) hurt him in competitions.  Schwarzeneggar and some others were very aggressive onstage; Dennis was too nice a man to push himself  at anyone.  I'm sorry to say I never had the opportunity to become personal friends with him--But I certainly respected him as a bodybuilder and fellow human.

Boris Prilutsky said:

Hi Gary.

I'm glad you did like my post.I hope you also saw my discussion with Raven. I believe we clarified all but most important some people probably learned from it.many times when I participate in discussions and even if some body else discussing different topics, personally I do learn. This site give us opportunity to do so.

Best wishes


PS.did you knew Dennis Tinerino?

Gary W Addis said:

Well said, friend Boris.

Boris Prilutsky said:

Hi Christopher.

I hope you will agree with me that the aging is unstoppable process. Yes I am not young anymore but thank God  still strong  and Happy man. Additional to all other extremely important gifts in my life such as my family, my friends, my hobbies, my happiness is fueled by my occupation that I love very much, and as much as possible  for my case competent  in it. Now let's talk about apricot Wolf.

Below is a link to this clip. When Michael Hinkle offer us this footage on energy work  group I was amazed by what I have witnessed. We saw very sick animal who have demonstrated symptoms of very difficult neurological disease. After this lady hold this animal for a while we all witnessed significant improvement such as less  degree of twisted neck, less forcible arch. My goodness. I was immediately excited so much and posted, that no doubt due to clinical outcome as well seeing no manipulation of soft tissue we all have witnessed some type of energy work. You immediately  posted statement expressing skeptic  view because this phenomenon impossible to explain. My reply to you was that there is no matter if we can explain it or not most important  that wolf got better. As a clinician I know how difficult to reach results in this cases of Autoimmune diseases. You still resisted and somehow we did have converted discussion to vigorous argument. Honestly I do regret. If would know that you have nothing to do with clinical work in treatment room wouldn't discuss with you this case .BTW.Not wasting time and because I was so excited, I have comment  on youtube that this is an amazing what  I saw and because placebo here excluded no doubt in my mind that I saw some type of energy healing. Just happened that my comment on this youtube clip was the first one. Today more than 100 people placed similar to my comments . Looks like come out that your opinion was in minority. But this is not important. Important that Wolf got better. And here is no discussions or argument having place. As a real scientist even who cannot explain this phenomenon have to accept most important what science is about “Wolf got better.”



in regard to research. I was trained, and practicing methods/protocols  that where developed through extensive research including control group, and medical statistic applications. Most important that this protocols clinically proving as a working-delivering results. Approximately 8 years ago, I share my knowledge in management of hypertension with Prof.Gura. He was very skeptical, because hypertension pandemically  affecting American population, causing strokes and heart attacks, costing a lot of money and suddenly some simple massage will make different?????? he stated that he is ready to believe that massage can help people who suffering from neck pains but  from hypertension??? I have convinced him to allow me to select few people who suffering from neck pain as well from hypertension, and let's try to eliminate pain in the neck region. On this he agreed. When he saw how this treatment have affected hypertensive phenomenon, he immediately contacted his friend Prof. of medicine who consider to be internationally known expert in hypertension Research. When this professor saw  data he also got skeptical and said this is placebo. I requested Amazon frock . When under sensors I performed 18 minutes of massage he wasn't anymore skeptical about the power of this treatment. Real scientist who started believing when saw clinical outcome. Was ready for large research, but we couldn't find money to sponsor it. Please click on link below to read preliminary report of this pilot studies . Any research  in our fields have to lead to clinical outcomes. Please read article on this subject.

I know that Vlad can survive without talking to me. It just wrong to happen this way.


Christopher A. Moyer said:

meta-analysis combines the results of several studies that address a set of related research hypotheses.usually one doing it when planning to write research protocol.otherwise for different "purposes" meta-analysis and all statistic that coming from it,having no value.


Well, you certainly cleared that up.  Iron-clad reasoning there.


you probably didn't  born when I already participate in researches including being principal investigator


Right, you're old, we got it.  39 years experience.


definitely I do not speak for you, but hoping that for said:"I'll be looking out for your class on Wolf Energy work when you advertise it on here." it does means that you even didn't bother to find out that in my post I talked about  youtube clip and not about classes.nothing wrong to talk about classes, this is what this site is for. To  exchange ideas, experiences, knowledge as well to promote CEs and other professional events.

you are very rude, and never again I would talk to you,


Poor Vlad, she'll be crushed I'm sure. 

For those of you who still believe that because the nervous system isn't "hard wired" to cells, they don't carry memory, you might enjoy arguing with the author of:
This is very interesting thanks Noel

Noel Norwick said:
For those of you who still believe that because the nervous system isn't "hard wired" to cells, they don't carry memory, you might enjoy arguing with the author of:

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