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Listen to your client, listen to your intuition, what's telling you something ain't right with this client !!!


Scary stuff !!!

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While MRIs are better than X-ray, it still depends on the angles, the type and size of the injury and the person reading it. THey may help but they are just one of many aides to use.


Stephen, where did you find this?  It's excellent testimony that doctors can be ruled by their egos to the detriment of patients.

Hi Gary

it was a shared video from a fellow MT on face book.

Thanks for sharing it.  Some surgeons are too eager to cut, too egotistic to ever admit having made a mistake.  Likewise, there's probably a few MTs who jump into tissue without first doing a thorough health history and structural evaluation.

Interesting video Stephen. Did you catch what technology he's using that takes 30 images/second? Is it just the latest in MRI?


Hi Robin,

Its hundreds of low dose radiation xrays, apparently the really clever bit is the computor aided enhancement.

Its great to have a motion scanner that is less cacergenic and potentially going to be much less expensive than MRI's that actually shows how dangerous the clients condition really is.

Best of all the clients sanity is restored, yes there is something wrong that all previous MRI's missed, and if that gets fixed then they will no longer massive amounts of medication:)

Thanks for the info Stephen. I'd like to be able to tell clients what to ask for; is it called the DMX 2 and does insurance pay for it?

For years I worked only on auto accident patients in a medical clinic..  Some, who I thought were faking it...Ended up with huge settlements... Others, that the insurance companies denied their claims using their own doctors.. I knew they  were hurt..You can see it on a persons face.. ...Well I think its a good idea to book mark these youtube videos..So if you are ever in some kind of accident...And nothing shows up on the xrays and MRIs.   But you know you are hurt...Then just open up your laptop, and show the Docs these video clips.

Hi Robin

this is DMX's site I found via google  I hope this will provide whatever info you need.

Robin Byler Thomas said:

Thanks for the info Stephen. I'd like to be able to tell clients what to ask for; is it called the DMX 2 and does insurance pay for it?

Hi Gordon,

this is definately worth investigating, this could offer clients who seek us out of desperation, another avenue for proof of their condition. 

Gordon J. Wallis said:

For years I worked only on auto accident patients in a medical clinic..  Some, who I thought were faking it...Ended up with huge settlements... Others, that the insurance companies denied their claims using their own doctors.. I knew they  were hurt..You can see it on a persons face.. ...Well I think its a good idea to book mark these youtube videos..So if you are ever in some kind of accident...And nothing shows up on the xrays and MRIs.   But you know you are hurt...Then just open up your laptop, and show the Docs these video clips.

Wow, this is great!  Thank you SO MUCH for posting it.


I just had a client test positive via trasverse alar test, and my DC is swearing it's not on the X-ray, and that it's not damaged.  I can't wait to show him this. Of course there is no way in hell he'd pay for the equipment but I really wish he would.  We have clients who have literally lost everything after a bad wreck, they had no health insurance and couldn't afford an MRI, their auto insurance wouldn't pay for it, and they were in enough pain that they couldn't work. 


while I can't really do this with necks as well, I use as tuning fork to make sure that after a hard fall someone doesn't have a broken bone that the X-Ray or MRI missed.


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