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A discussion about localized, medical, and absolute contraindications, and how to talk with your clients about them.

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Pityriasis rosea 2 Replies

Started by Olga Chwascinska. Last reply by Olga Chwascinska Jun 8, 2010.

Pulmonary Emboli (more than one clot in lungs)

Started by Lara Rininger May 25, 2010.

Leg clots

Started by Donna C. Agrinsonis, LMT May 25, 2010.

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Comment by Florence Renault on January 5, 2010 at 1:53pm
Thank you, Susan. I was thinking along the same lines but wanted to be certain! It's wonderful to be able to share our concerns and seek advice here.
Comment by Susan G. Salvo on January 5, 2010 at 1:37pm
Because surgery involves cutting into the body, blood clots form as part of the healing process. If a clot is dislodged, it can circulate to the brain and cause a stroke, to the heart and cause a heart attack, or to the lungs and become a pulmonary embolism, all of which are life threatening.

Blood clots can also form in the veins of the pelvis and lower extremities as a result of blood stasis (stagnation). Blood stasis can occur because of inactivity and bed rest, both common after surgery. Deep pressure and vigorous massage should be avoided on the lower extremities. These restrictions should apply for 10 days after your client is ambulatory.

With that said, you should be fine after 6 wks.

If you are asking more about scar tissue mobilization, wait until it has fully healed (this depends on a lot of factors such as his age and general health). But the average time is 6-8 wks.

Hope this helps.
Comment by Florence Renault on January 5, 2010 at 1:19pm
I have a client who had a knee replacement about 6 weeks ago. Since my practice is now geared more towards relaxation, I informed her that I wouldn't be addressing that issue if we scheduled an appointment, as I am not well versed on the current time frames or protocols. How long before it is appropriate to perform massage on the affected leg? Thanks for your advice!
Comment by Carl W. Brown on November 11, 2009 at 1:27pm
When I used to do hot stone I did the abdomen but the type of hot stone was different in that I always held the stones I was using and kept them moving to add just the right amount of heat so that I would warm the muscles and not heat the whole body. I use an electric skillet so that I could pick the proper stone that I wanted and when I was trough washed the entire stone set and pan with soap and water and added peroxide to the water to disinfect the stones. If the stones were too hot for my hands I would not use them and I would move them over the skin until they cooled enough for the specific area.

I think heat is great for relaxing muscles but I don’t believe in baking the client. If you don’t raise the core temperature you avoid lots of issues. I stopped using stones because I now just work fully clothed.
Comment by Vicki Carpenter on November 11, 2009 at 8:55am
Has anyone done hot stone on the abdomen? I find that is a problem area if you don't know all the symptoms that the client did not share.
Comment by Susan G. Salvo on November 6, 2009 at 2:55pm
If symptoms are not severe, massage is indicated while avoiding the abdomen.

I agree with Gail that clients usually don’t like to lie flat, so use a semireclining position while the client is supine. Use a side-lying or seated position to address the back.

If symptoms are severe, postpone massage until the client is feeling better.

Good luck and I hope this helps.

If you want the full entry from my pathology book, let me know.
Comment by Gail F. Rosendahl on November 6, 2009 at 1:32pm
Hello everyone, Gail Rosendahl from South Dakota. I was wondering if there was a contra-indication in doing a relaxing "swedish" massage with someone with a gall-bladder problem? I don't know anything more than that he is beginning to have problems and has an appointment with a doctor next week.

Thanks, Gail
Comment by Andrea McCully on October 7, 2009 at 1:19am
Wow! This is great info!

I will, of course, begin with obtaining a release from her doctor. I was thinking about simply avoiding ANY pressure in her legs and going with lymphatic drainage to ease the swelling she experiences.

Comment by Susan G. Salvo on October 3, 2009 at 6:53am
Hey Don,

First, I want to thank you.

When I read your initial entry, I then re-read my comment and saw how you mis-interrupted the suggestion for lighter pressure (intended for Andrea’s mention about osteoporosis) for a suggestion on DVT.

I saw how it could be confusing, so I deleted the comment.

In the future, I will be more careful when a client has co-morbid diseases.
Comment by Don Solomon on October 3, 2009 at 12:27am
Dear Susan
Thank you for posting your entry from your book. I'm sure, readers of this group will enjoy reading the complete entry. Well done. However, I'd like to briefly expand on why I posted a comment before. There was a line in your earlier comment that does not appear in your book that reads: "Just avoid the affected area or use only gentle pressure applied centripetally (toward the heart)". It is this line that causes me consternation! I know it probably was not your intent to cause this type of reaction. The concern I have is that Massage providers will read this line and think, Yes the person had all the symptomes but ah well its ok to "Just avoid the affected area or use only gentle pressure applied centripetally (toward the heart)".
When in doubt, error on the side of caution! This really should be the message. I think this message is loud and clear now that you have posted your book entry.. So thank you for sharing. I look forward to hearing more of your comments..
Don Solomon, RMT (Vancouver, Canada)

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