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It is hard to believe as I type this that I am entering my 24th year as a massage professional. I have been blessed to do massage for so long due to my dedicated teachers and mentors who taught both the needed physical skills for longevity in a hands-on profession and for the emotional/mental/spiritual wisdom and maturity needed to appreciate this gift we bring to the people of the world.
Thanks for visting my page. Happy day to you and hope your next massage is soon!
How often should I get a massage? One of the most frequently asked questions, with one of the most annoying answers. It depends.
Of course if money were no object, the answer would be, every day. While we have heard about the legendary stories of Bob and Dolores Hope receiving daily massage, and how he gave it credit for both their longevity and vitality, I am not acquainted with anyone personally…
Posted on July 14, 2010 at 6:36pm
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I wonder how your law (or board members) define correspondence course.
Not how you or I define it, but how your law defines it. Does you law have a glossary or terminology section?
Most massage laws do not state specifically that schools cannot utilize online learning. For example, our law states that education must be supervised. That's different than no online learning. The online course I use has a feature where instructors can generate both attendance reports and activity reports. This may be acceptable, depending on how the law is written in you state. It's worth looking into.
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"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead.