massage and bodywork professionals

a community of practitioners

September 2009 Blog Posts (45)

The Wounded Healer - Watch this video:-)

Throughout the years of receiving massage, bodywork, energy work, facials and other spa treatments, I have had some exceptional experiences from some truly gifted people. I've also met a number of people in the spa and healing arts industry (and the fringes) that have touted themselves as "healers" - a term and practice that immediately turns me off and makes me question their authenticity. Worse still, some of these folks wear their own pain on their sleeve making it abundantly clear to anyone… Continue

Added by Felicia Brown on September 30, 2009 at 10:11am — 4 Comments

Massage Therapy Radio & Me at 2009 AMTA National In Orlando

Every therapist out there, reading these words, should go to They are helping mold the profession and will keep you up to date on all the latest information and do it in a fun way! Who could ask for…

Added by Mike Hinkle on September 29, 2009 at 9:48am — 6 Comments

Report from the National Convention

I had a blast at the National Convention in Orlando last week. There was so much going on, both in the open and behind the scenes, it was a whirlwind just trying to take it all in. The Rosen Shingle Creek Resort was a beautiful venue for our meeting. My only complaint was that the room was way too small for the opening ceremony; many people couldn’t get in or had to stand the whole time. Otherwise, the acommodations were superior, the food was good, and the staff was very personable and… Continue

Added by Laura Allen on September 29, 2009 at 9:00am — 11 Comments


Hi there. Im here, all alone in Wiesbaden Germany...well without other AMTA'ers :) Im working on awareness here in the Community I work with. I wonder if anyone would be interested in coming to Wiesbaden Germany to help out just for the week or a day or two? Crazy I know...but the more the marrier :)

Added by Dawn R Dotson, LMP on September 29, 2009 at 12:21am — 1 Comment

IC vs Massage Employees

This has been one of my pet peeves in the massage profession - how to figure out if one is actually a subcontractor or an employee. After years (yes years) of reading and researching there is just no definitive answer legally and ethically is a whole other story.

I actually think that most massage therapists are being taken advantage of and most should really be full employees with full employee benefits. I just wrote an article on it on my full blog at… Continue

Added by Julie Onofrio on September 28, 2009 at 6:27pm — 4 Comments

Alliance Sets Mission and Goals

This past week, the Leadership Team of the Alliance for Massage Therapy Education met to finalize the statement of Mission and Goals that will serve as the foundation for the work of this new independent organization. Here it is:


The Alliance is the voice, advocate and resource for the community of massage therapy schools and educators.

The Goals of the Alliance are to:

• Strengthen and improve massage education by providing… Continue

Added by Rick Rosen on September 28, 2009 at 7:00am — No Comments

Stakeholder Input Session was a huge success!

(Originally published on the MTBOK Project Managers blog at:

You may know that on Thursday, September 24th we held an MTBOK Stakeholder Input Session open to the public in Orlando, FL. We filled a double room, and representatives from all of the MTBOK Steward organizations (AMTA, ABMP, AMTA COS, FSMTB, MTF, and NCBTMB) were present including ABMP's own Les Sweeney.

The idea of holding ad open to the public meeting at the AMTA convention site… Continue

Added by Chip Hines on September 26, 2009 at 11:08am — 3 Comments

My Road Less Traveled

On the eve of a new path to travel, I am surprisingly nervous. For the past 7 years I have been a "bodyworker". No room for negotiation. I will even admit that there have been times in my past that I have looked down on anything less. I know, I know, I know, who do I think I am?!?!?! People change. We know this! We see this on a continual basis. Stasis Bad. Change Good.

One year ago I was given the opportunity to open up shop in my neighbor's salon. Since it is in my home town I though… Continue

Added by Marissa on September 24, 2009 at 7:15pm — 6 Comments

Expect More, with Les - September 24, 2009

The 70s - Success is a promise to do better.

Added by Les Sweeney on September 24, 2009 at 1:01pm — No Comments

Working in massage- pitfalls- please respond!

I'm looking for a forum, but in the meantime, I want to post a quickie highlighting some of my concerns about working in massage.

a) pros/cons of forming a massage therapy union which could only be run by working massage therapists. I live in Illinois, land of the corrupt, and don't think that the folks who are running our networks, schools, boards, are hands-on enough in massage to understand the potential pitfalls of this work. For instance, one of my colleagues has told me stories… Continue

Added by Carma Nibarger on September 23, 2009 at 10:13pm — 7 Comments

help me

hello everyone.. i morgan 22, i am looking for information on movin to the myrtle beach area, im goin there in the end of febuary but i would like to talk to a therapist that actually lives theres get a feel for which spas are the best to apply to and other things if you have any info for me id love to talk to you! thanks

Added by Morgan Heimbaugh on September 23, 2009 at 9:06am — No Comments

infant massage wanna be

I first got into massage when me and my husband did a tour of duty in okinawan japan. Due to him deploying to iraq for the first time, i was under a lot of stress, depression set in, and finally i couldnt even get out of bed, and i didnt turn on the tv for a least a week. A friend of mine suggested massage, they offered it at our gym on base. She was a japanese massage therapist, and she was GREAT. i start going twice a week, just to relax and deal with the stress of being alone and not hearing… Continue

Added by SHANNON MESSER on September 23, 2009 at 1:13am — 2 Comments

How to Get Free Email Mail Marketing that Converts Like Crazy

First... Set Up a Free Account With a Company that is White Listed...

There are many email marketing companies that offer free campaigns, but two stand alone as the best.

1) iContact - Included in their free package is a 31 page white paper that will make even the most novice marketer an email pro. They have a fully integrated survey sytem along with email scheduling capabilities. iContact also… Continue

Added by Sara Clark on September 22, 2009 at 10:08am — 1 Comment

Sitting on Your Hands?

This weekend while I was teaching ethics to a class of 23 people, I asked how many present have read the Practice Act. As usual, the answer was TWO. I wonder how people think they can comply with the law if they don't know what it is. I wonder if they know they can have input whenever the act is opened, as it occasionally is. I wonder if they know they can attend massage board meetings; that holds true everywhere, not just in my state; a public board is obligated to have open meetings and to… Continue

Added by Laura Allen on September 22, 2009 at 4:48am — 6 Comments

Trigger point therapy

Hello everyone, I am a student and I am looking for some information on trigger point therapy because I have to do a presentation and a paper on this topic. If anyone is familiar with any good website I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks a bunch.


Added by Dayna Davis on September 21, 2009 at 10:17pm — 6 Comments

Alliance for Massage Therapy Education


The Alliance for Massage Therapy, a new independent organization for massage schools and educators, announces that its Leadership Team has been finalized. A six-member group of veteran massage therapy educators will guide the development of this new body, which will be launching its general membership drive by December 1.

This Leadership Team is responsible for creating the administrative structure of the organization,… Continue

Added by Rick Rosen on September 21, 2009 at 6:29pm — No Comments


Im fresh out of school and I wanted to know is how to bring in new clients and how to advertise for a very good price.thank you for your time.

Added by sharonda on September 20, 2009 at 9:00pm — 1 Comment

Looking for articles is looking for articles of interest to the general public on massage, aromatherapy, etc. They must be your original content and will be linked to your listing or website. Email address is on the website.

List with us free for 6 months - To receive your free listing, use this coupon code when you register: E0954184

Added by Liz on September 20, 2009 at 12:12pm — No Comments

Some MTBOK Clarifications

(Originally published on the MTBOK Project Managers blog at:

Im pleased that we've begun to get responses already on the draft MTBOK, and its just what we are hoping for. Its also clear that the respondants are passionate about the profession, and have given thought to their responses.

As a task force of 8 trying to represent such a broad complex profession, we think its vital that we get feedback from the community. Thats why we have tried to… Continue

Added by Chip Hines on September 19, 2009 at 11:10am — 5 Comments

Updated new business

Everything is going well w/ the new business. I just have been struggling w/ to approach it...and feeling a little overwhelmed. There is so much to do everyday and I never feel like I do enough for the business.Any suggestions?

Added by Joelle Arnold on September 16, 2009 at 8:02pm — 4 Comments

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