I am a newer massage business owner in Delaware and while I have had a decent amount of clients since I started I am always working to build my clientele up, but I have been running into several. My services are mobile in that I travel to the client to provide the services. I understand that some people are uncomfortable with allowing strangers into their home and this is a unique situation that I will have to deal with on my own. The section of Delaware that I am from and that I mostly cover…
Added by dawn lowe on November 24, 2009 at 10:28am —
It’s that time of the year when a lot of people pause to give thanks for those things they are grateful for. I need to throw in my two cents.
A few months ago when I checked in at the AMTA National Convention in Orlando, I was thrilled when I opened my registration packet and found that instead of just my name badge, some kind soul had put the word “PRESS” in big letters underneath my name. To whomever that was, thank you.
Since I have been blogging about the politics of…
Added by Laura Allen on November 23, 2009 at 6:32pm —

Angel Message for Today
The message for today comes from Angel of Joy and Celebration!. “Rejoice! Play,dance,sing and be silly. Laughter makes the journey shorter and much more fun.. "
Free Angel Reading
Added by Glenyss Bourne on November 23, 2009 at 4:00pm —
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Angel Message for Today
The message for today comes from the Angel of Love and Protection, "In your darkest moments I am with you. Open your heart and let the Love in"
Affordable signed copies of this energy painting are available…
Added by Glenyss Bourne on November 22, 2009 at 4:30pm —
1 Comment
Angel Message for Today
The message for today comes from the Angel of Expansion and Courage, "Do not fear to let go of what is no longer necessary. Old patterns hold you back and your destiny is the Stars".
Click Here for an Inspirational Message from…
Added by Glenyss Bourne on November 21, 2009 at 2:30pm —
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Angel Message for Today

The message for today comes from the Angel of Success and Happiness. 'Surrender to the highest within yourself and success and happiness must follow."
Affordable signed copies of this energy painting are available… Continue
Added by Glenyss Bourne on November 20, 2009 at 3:30pm —
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Angel Message for Today
The message for today comes from the Angel of Unconditional Love. 'Until you can love yourself fully, you are not able to truly love and serve others". Affordable signed copies of this energy painting are available… Continue
Added by Glenyss Bourne on November 19, 2009 at 4:00pm —
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Dear Fellow Bodyworkers, Massage Educators and Affiliated Industry Members,
After reading this email, if you are in agreement, please email this letter to everyone you know who is involved in the massage and bodywork field. I ask you and those, to whom you forward this, to email Elizabeth Langston at NCBTMB and let them know where you stand on this important issue - ELangston@ncbtmb.org.
* * *
Open Letter and Call to Action for the Massage Therapy…
Added by David Lauterstein on November 19, 2009 at 12:37pm —
What are Facebook Ads?
You've heard of Facebook ads. I can
guarantee you can see some right now on the right side of this page.
Did you know that Facebook Ads are targeted to you? Every ad you see is because you belong to a group, page or have something in your profile that the creators of the ad are targeting.
As an example:
Here are three ads that I see right now.

This ad shows…
Added by Crystal Dawn Suovanen on November 19, 2009 at 12:00pm —
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HI everyone. Im curious to know if anyone, like me, experiences periods of procrastination. Particularly when it comes to the business side of massage. I know that I will have book work to do, or client information to update on my database, but sometimes I just get a bit distracted. I do find that writing daily lists helps me to stay on track.
Id love to hear other people's experiences and/or advise on staying focused and avoiding procrastination.
Added by Nicola Hogan on November 18, 2009 at 10:31pm —
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Angel Message for Today
The message for today comes from the Angel of Divine Love and Protection, Elandra. “Guardian Angels watch over you while you are asleep and help to keep you safe and well. There is nothing to fear! I am the Divine Mother, I oversee the birthing process and pour out the highesr vibration of Unconditional…
Added by Glenyss Bourne on November 18, 2009 at 4:00pm —
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Tip or No Tip - Do you deserve a tip?
Added by Les Sweeney on November 18, 2009 at 2:24pm —
1 Comment
I saw a few quotes today that got me chuckling. Just want to share!
"To massage or not to massage: What a stupid question!"
"Working is for people who don't do massage"
"My husband told me to pick him or massage: I sure am going to miss him"
Added by Marissa on November 18, 2009 at 1:54pm —

Angel Message for Today
The message for today comes from The Angel of Self Acceptance.“Be kind and loving to yourself for you are part of the living Masterpiece of Creation, a Stitch in the great Tapestry of Life."
Free Angel Reading
Added by Glenyss Bourne on November 17, 2009 at 4:00pm —
Does anyone else experience this. You work on a new or beloved regular client and have a particularly great session. You know what I mean? The energy transfer is so free flowing. It is hard to delineate where your contact ends and they begin? It is transcendent and the music is flowing and the aromatherapy is perfect. Then the session is over. You meet them in the outer office and offer water and the usual good bye routine. It is almost
awkward. Like running into an old boyfriend. The…
Added by Allison Kay Poteet on November 17, 2009 at 9:33am —
There is a daily internet horse radio show with a very short tip offered by a variety of experts on a variety of horse topics. I offer a tip related to horse massage every few weeks or so. Here's a link to the recording of my
latest tip about massage for the masseters (from last month already). I just got several more recorded for the coming months, which I…
Added by Megan Ayrault on November 17, 2009 at 12:25am —
The Sprint 2009 issue of Duke University's Health Connect talks about
The Detox Delusion.
Give your body more credit. We have evolved over two-and-a-half million years with highly effective detoxification systems -- such as the liver and kidneys. We naturally detox most substances that could be harmful. Our bodies are designed to do this -- if…
Added by Keith Eric Grant on November 16, 2009 at 6:16pm —
I will be doing massage at a roller derby tournament on Movember 21 at the Zamora Temple, in Irondale, AL. The money raised will be going to the Movember Foundation to help fund male prostate and testicular cancer research. The first game starts at 1 PM. You can go to
http://tragiccityrollers.com for more information. For those not familiar with the Movember Foundation, check out
http://us.movember.com and donate to…
Added by Arnold Kelly on November 16, 2009 at 10:01am —
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If you know of anyone looking to share space in Capitol Hill, please forward them the following info;
Beautiful Massage Space in Capitol Hill - Must See!
Share With 3 Professionals and Build Your Practice
Historic Building in Capitol Hill
Great Location - Walking distance to library, shops, downtown
Several Businesses in building - great for marketing
Convenient to local bus routes
Office Space includes separate waiting room, treatment room…
Added by Michelle P. on November 16, 2009 at 7:53am —
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Angel Message for Today
The message for today comes from the Archangel Jophiel. Archangel Jophiel radiates waves of True Light Energy to illuminate and energize the ethers, to tranfsorm negativity into positive life giving energies. Call upon Archangel Jophiel when you are ready to make positive changes in your life.…
Added by Glenyss Bourne on November 15, 2009 at 5:30pm —
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