massage and bodywork professionals

a community of practitioners

November 2010 Blog Posts (27)

Journal of Massage Science

Dear Colleagues!

I would like to inform you that we recently published November-December issue of Journal of Massage Science. Here is short review of new issue:

Our Person of the Month for this issue is Mike Hinkle, LMT founder of the World Massage Festival. He shares with our…


Added by Dr. Ross Turchaninov on November 28, 2010 at 10:15pm — 1 Comment

A Gripe

This picture here shows what I was hoping to receive today, not what I got.…

Added by Amanda Cizek on November 28, 2010 at 4:40pm — 4 Comments

Transparent Holographic Chips

CieAura Transparent Holographic Chips restore the body's balance and allow our defenses to perform at their peak ability which gives our body renewed energy and stamina. The best medicine for the body of course is the bodies own natural immune system working at capacity.

Holographic Chips interact with the bio-magnetic sheath around the physical body to allow the body to heal itself. These chips are processed programs based on the combination of a homeopathic process and when placed along… Continue

Added by Marlene Hudson on November 28, 2010 at 7:52am — No Comments

EU Alternative Health Care Directive...something we need to keep our eyes on

Here is what I have learned so far about the directive in EU for alternative health care...similar legislation is being proposed in the US...we need to be

aware and prepared to go vote, sign petitions or what ever is needed to

protect our industry:

The Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive, 2004/24/EC, was established to provide a regulatory approval process for herbal medicines in the European Union (EU),…


Added by Jenny Ray on November 26, 2010 at 9:00am — 1 Comment

Expect More, with Les - November 22, 2010

Reflection - A pause that refreshes.

I sometimes struggle with what to say in my blog, but if you can’t write a blog posting at Thanksgiving, what good are you? Here are my thoughts as we approach Thanksgiving 2010.

Added by Les Sweeney on November 22, 2010 at 4:08pm — 1 Comment

Too Structural (Football and Therapy Returns)

How can a therapist be “too structural”?

I had abandoned the Buffalo Bills a few weeks back. Too many losses got boring to write about. But, they are back; two wins in a row. Plugging it out can pay off.

Plugging it out, as a body worker, can pay similar dividends. You may have different approaches or philosophies on how to best create change, but putting in the work is essential. I’ve mentioned frequently here on

my blog, and elsewhere, that there are many excellent…


Added by Walt Fritz, PT on November 22, 2010 at 2:35pm — No Comments

Alliance Reports Results from Educational Standards Survey

The Alliance for Massage Therapy Education recently conducted a national survey to gather information from the educational community on the attitudes or perceptions regarding: 1) formation of standards for teacher education, massage school curricula, and continuing education; and 2) the Massage Therapy Body of Knowledge.

This survey was developed by the Alliance's Professional Standards Committee, which made the survey available to massage… Continue

Added by Rick Rosen on November 20, 2010 at 2:30pm — 4 Comments

Is anyone familiar with "Emotional Freedom Technique" Therapy

This EFT evidently was begun by a David Feinstein, who purports to be a PhD psychologist with several award-winning books to his credit, and his wife Donna Eden, a specialist in her own brand of energy therapy. Neither claims any training or expertise in any therapeutic massage modality. The only website to confirm Feinstein's academic credentials seems to be a site owned and operated by his wife.

Practitioners of this EFT claim to heal even combat PTSD with one or two sessions of… Continue

Added by Gary W Addis, LMT on November 16, 2010 at 5:30pm — 2 Comments

3 Action Steps to Increase Time & Profit

Are you feeling pulled all over the place?

Are you spending your days (and maybe nights!) spending your time flat out busy and not accomplishing anything towards your goals?

Do you feel like you are pulled all over the place operating out of chaos?

Are you frustrated that your staff just doesn’t GET it?

Are your clients not coming back as often as you would like?

Does your staff drive you crazy with questions?

Does your vision seem far out… Continue

Added by Shelene Taylor on November 16, 2010 at 3:00pm — No Comments

What's Your Money Mindset?

Fear is a natural and reasonable response to many things in life, like danger! Our brains are hard wired for the flight or fight response but often times we live in the “What If” fear and worry mode. This is anticipatory fear. While the flight or fight fear response can save our lives, the anticipatory fear just sabotages our dreams and lives. Most fears are nothing more than a state of mind – which we can change by just changing our thoughts. Now most of us come to this worry and fear state of… Continue

Added by Shelene Taylor on November 16, 2010 at 9:04am — 1 Comment

Starting A Bussiness

Hello All

So I decided I might as well start a blog so people...... professional people in my field can me a honest...brutly honest thought on my views.....

Here i go......

So i just moved back to louisiana and i am ready to find new skills, new client's new lifes to touch....

I was in for a big shocker to how well individuals in louisiana fealt towards massage compared to californiaians....

i went from making…


Added by Fayola Wilson on November 14, 2010 at 6:00pm — 2 Comments

Sesame and mustard oils

Recent clinical trials show sesame oil has promise as a cancer treatment. Mustard oil is massaged on newborns in parts of India as an
antibacterial and antifungal. Does anyone have knowledge of these as massage oils?

Added by Robert Thomas Parker on November 13, 2010 at 2:38pm — No Comments

BioMat and Migun HY7000 - now in my practice

I've recently purchased both a gently used Richway BioMat (amethyst heated mat) and a Migun HY7000 jade roller bed - for clients to use in conjunction with their massage and acupuncture treatments.

I also use the BodyCushion Body Support System for all of my treatments, and use a FIR heat lamp for almost every client coming in, during their session.

Do any of you use these? Or things like a Steamy Wonder, FIR sauna or other items? If so, do you charge…

Added by Karla Linden on November 13, 2010 at 10:46am — No Comments

10 Ways to Create Winning Ads

There are so many avenues of advertising to choose from nowadays, print, web, texting, TV, radio – the list is long and varied. The trick is to choose the right medium, have the right message and to make sure that your ROI – return on investment – is appropriate. Most business do not have the amount of money it takes to do image building advertising, which is advertising just for the sake of getting your company’s name out there. So make sure that you have an excellent call to action within a… Continue

Added by Shelene Taylor on November 12, 2010 at 3:00pm — 1 Comment

Are you OR your staff experiencing unfulfilled expectations?

Having an agreement with your staff will assist you in running your business more smoothly, lay out expectations clearly and protect both parties in the event of a problem or disagreement. Clarity around expectations also allows a staff member to better understand their job responsibilities and boundaries. Setting up a staff member for success in the beginning will save time and energy and give you a tool to manage their performance appropriately.

A contract should have some of the… Continue

Added by Shelene Taylor on November 12, 2010 at 10:10am — 1 Comment

Get a Grip....Working dry

For those therapists who work dry:

At each seminar I teach, I bring along my chalk ball. A therapist told me about this a few years ago and I think it has been one of the biggest assets to me as a therapist in quite a long time.

Early on in each class, I mention the chalk ball and I see mostly uninterested faces. I invite students to give it a try, but most stay away. But one by one, each one gives it a try, finally the most

reluctant giving in.…


Added by Walt Fritz, PT on November 11, 2010 at 9:19pm — 5 Comments

The Financial Health of Our Organizations: AMTA

This marks the second year I have reported on the financial health of the non-profit organizations that represent the massage profession. I amnot an accountant or a financial expert. The information reported here comes directly from Form 990 as filed with the IRS; non-profits are obligated to make their tax reports public knowledge, and these can be easily accessed on Guidestar.

Last year I reported that the… Continue

Added by Laura Allen on November 10, 2010 at 12:23pm — 1 Comment

Where to buy hot massage stone ,stone heater ,massage table & chair .

We Xiamen Jade Massage Stone is professionally exporting series spa products ,located in Xiamen,China where has sea port and air port.It has been years since it set up in 2005 .As it develops ,the product range has been widely added from the beginning of hot stones ,now they can offer :

1.Hot & cold massage stone ,hot rocks ,chakra stones : Our black hot stone can be sawn cut +polished ,also be natural shape .The materials can be black basalt ,blue pearl granite ,marble ,jade or…


Added by JadeLee on November 9, 2010 at 8:30pm — No Comments

Iron Man!

The opportunity to work on athletes in Iron Man Florida was absolutely amazing and I would not trade it for the world. I do not know if I will have the opportunity to return, but I sure hope so.

My only complaint was the cold, but how could I possibly complain after they had to swim, bike and run in it!

It almost broke my heart to see them shivering as much as they did, and all I wanted to do was warm them up, and then work the knots out of those…

Added by Jennifer Adams on November 9, 2010 at 7:47am — 3 Comments

Myofascial Release...Demystified

Myofascial Release…Demystified

I just finished teaching a Foundations in Myofascial Release I in Hershey, PA this past weekend. As I interacted with many of the therapists who attended it became clear to me that Myofascial Release,

as it is often taught, blends so much esoteric material into the

coursework that the basics are often lost. I repeatedly heard that they

just did not understand how to…


Added by Walt Fritz, PT on November 8, 2010 at 9:11pm — No Comments

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