massage and bodywork professionals

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I am a big fan of getting regular weekly massage. About 5 or 6 years ago I actually even just started paying for them rather than doing them in trade which was a big step and well worth it. I learn so much about working with clients even after 20 years of being in this profession. I have to say though I have the toughest time finding competent people who stay focused on the massage and me when I am getting a massage. Is it just me being a massage therapist and being too picky or what?

People don't listen and even when I directly ask they don't get it. It makes me pay more attention to what it is that I am doing with clients. Am I giving what they needed and wanted?

I have to say that most of my training is in structural integration (Zentherapy) and while I don't practice it strictly what I learned from taking 5 years of classes/100 hours of training a year really made quite a difference in my understanding of the body and the way it works.

Maybe I am wanting my massage therapists to massage me the same way I work (or think I work) on my clients!

Even when I say - could you work on this exact area - pointing to that darn quad/it band that always gives me trouble after a running injury in my mid-30's they work on it for 2 minutes and that's it.

I have had most of the same clients for over 16-18 years coming in once a week or even twice a week regularly. I have yet to find a massage therapist for myself to develop that kind of relationship with. I have seen people for a few years regularly but then the other thing is that I also see that my needs change. For awhile I just wanted deep relaxation massage but now I am needing more therapeutic work for my aging body!

Do you get regular weekly massage? What do you learn about doing massage from getting massage? Do you trade or pay for sessions? If you don't get massage why not? If you only go once every few months - why?

I also have been a big believer in that if I want people to come to me once a week for a massage that I need to do the same!

Just some thoughts for this beautiful Sat am!


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Comment by Rhonda MacFadzen on October 7, 2009 at 5:05pm
It's good to hear that others feel the same as I do. Looking for someone to massage as good or better than yourself. I have found that economically the school I attended is have to be willing to teach the students while you are on the table. Sometimes you run across a student that can understand the concepts and direction you are giving them. More often than not they just don't have the "touch".
Comment by Nikki Johnson on October 7, 2009 at 4:44pm
Hey girl. Oh my, you sound just like me. I can hardly ever get what I want when I get a massage. This is very disapointing. I NEED regular work and when I can't get the work I need, I stay in pain. I had on girl working on me, I asked her to strip my forearm muscles. She had no idea what I was talking about. In my training, that was the first thing you learned hands on.

Other times, when I get work around my scapula, they ALWAYS get bone. Ouch. I like it deep, I can handle the pain if it is productive, but pain with no-little benefit don't fly by me. I also can't seem to get anyone to work my levator scapulae, which is in bad need. I think we just know what our bodies need.

I do trade massage and pay for it. My friend that I trade with is awesome. She gives a wonderful massage, she usually does 90 minutes on me. She gives me just what I ask for. The only problem is getting our schedules in line. I honor our trades, in the same manor. One thing though...we talk too much during the massage...haha

The massages I pay for are usually not very good. They just don't seem to really care, or understand what they are doing. I try not to be critical, but I have back problems and really need a good working over. Not once has a MT that I pay...ever checked my iliopsoas. I hope I spelled that right. Doing self massage, I found it to be hard as a rock.

So I think it really comes down to the person. How serious are they about thier work. As far as trades, well that says something about a persons morales if they don't honor the trade.
Comment by Diane Schaefer on October 7, 2009 at 7:56am
I just joined this forum. And Julie, I have enjoyed your web site for the past couple of years. Your resources have been wonderful for me. I came to this professional late in my life. At the age of 55, I have finally discovered my passion. This topic interested me because I am currently trading with my several other therapists. I completely understand what you are saying. While I was in massage school, one of our instructors kept telling us that the most important thing is to get a massage AT LEAST once a week. And so I did that. I was fortunate to have found someone who focused on me for that hour plus of time. She always listened to me and what I was needing for that session. Then...after seeing her weekly for over a year, she chose to leave the profession due to a career change and an injury that wouldn't heal. I have missed her ever since. But I learned so much from her and am so thankful that I was able to experience her touch. I now am trading with my business partner. We are learning about each other, from each toher and what each other's needs are - so it is a building relationship. But I have traded with others over the past couple of years. It's sad to see (and feel) how many people are in the profession for all the wrong reasons. But I will continue to commit myself to my clients needs...and to the needs of those I trade with. I know I am very fortunate to have found a couple MT's that I am able to trade with...and I am pleased with their work.
Comment by Heather Coren on October 6, 2009 at 7:34am
I am usually very picky with who touches my body. As a rule, I prefer to go to someone who is referred by regular visitor to a therapist. Even then, I usually probe them as to whether they will be able to provide my specific needs. This way I am able to find just the right person for me whether it is trade or payment.
Comment by Laura Holt Sutherland on October 5, 2009 at 10:08pm
My business partner and I have a standing appointment every week to trade massage with each other, so ideally we each get two massages a month. I have tried other massage therapists hoping to find others who do work I find beneficial and from whom I could learn some positive things. I must say I have had the same problem of getting a lot of unfocused, mindless massages. Much of what I learn is in the negative, unfortunately. As in becoming more aware of how NOT to treat my clients! I have found an excellent therapist who lives in the Midwest, so whenever I'm visiting family there I schedule a massage with him. Otherwise, I've become pretty cautious about which local therapists I schedule work with - I pretty much wait for a word-of-mouth recommendation.
Comment by Julie Onofrio on October 5, 2009 at 7:05pm
I actually also think it is a great lesson in the issues around finding a good regular massage therapist that your clients also have to go through. I always learn so much from the process and recommend that everyone go out and go through the process itself.

I wish I could get worked on 2x a week like one of my clients does! That is my next goal - when I find someone who can do it!
Comment by Trevor Chisman on October 5, 2009 at 6:18pm
I recently did some training with an instructor who advised me I need to be getting at least 1 massage a week and I was probably only getting one a month at that time. Since then I have changed my ways and what a revelation! I took it as an opportunity to try lots of things I haven't had or haven't had in a long time. Last week was a Shiatsu treatment which was excellent, next week is myofascial work with a sports therapist friend.

Some are swaps, some I pay for, either way I am learning what I like and what I don't and what is effective and what isn't but best of all I'm having a ball doing it.
Comment by Stephen Jeffrey on October 3, 2009 at 10:37am
Hey Peacemaker, bet you are feeling better already!
Comment by peacemaker on October 2, 2009 at 12:49pm
Okay! Okay! I just called two massage therapists and schedule massages next week. One is a trade-out, one is with a new-to-the-area-MT. I'll pay her. The trade-out is a YL Raindrop Technique. YUMMY!
Comment by Stephen Jeffrey on October 1, 2009 at 7:35pm
Hi Jacqueline, this is the best thing about this site= straight down the line honesty sad but true.
I am only functioning as a therapist today because I mentored someone. Fresh out of college no set style of his own and ready to learn.
Those of you who cant find that certain someone to nourish you, the same way you nourish every client that crosses your door, need to consider mentoring a new talent.
Your restoration assured, your intuative/higher self is unbound.
Regards steve

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