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Dear friends,

A few of you asked me to share my views on the usage of ice vs. hot application. The following a link to the video where I am explaining my views.

Using the opportunity, I would like to thank you for personal e-mails, but would like to encourage you to post your requests, questions and comments. I believe this type of communication is more dynamics, allowing us to learn each from other.

Thank you.

Best wishes.

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Without looking at the video first..I will comment...When my herniated disc was fresh and active...It was ICE all the way..And when I have a sore muscle. Even a badly injured one...HEAT seems better...Thats how I feel on a personal level.

Hi Gordon.

Muscular soreness we cannot view as a pain and in such a case I would agree with you to use hot application. But in cases of pain, still would recommend to do  pain intensity assessments by using scales from 0 to 10, and to apply hot or cold application accordingly. In such a case less chance to aggravate and to intensify pain sensation.

Best wishes.


PS. You said” It was ICE all the way” As I recommended it should be no more than 10 minutes at the time and can be applied every two hours but for 10 minutes only. Please keep in mind that cold pack during 5 minutes of usage increasing temperature significant and actually became not “cold pack”, and not really effective. Real ice not changing temperature and therefore shouldn't be applied for more than 10 minutes.

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