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Just wondering what people were thinking about telling clients to drink water after massage. I think it's just a nice gesture, a friendly reminder to drink water, because it good, not because it helps flush you or whatever.

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Its a nice gesture.....People often times dont drink enough water anyway.
I also find that often I feel dehydrated post session because suddenly the muscle have absorbed a great deal of my existing hydration.
I give a little water to drink because it seems to help recenter and ground the client. They immediately have much less of that loopy daze. I think by swallowing it brings attention to the body and the physical surroundings.
I believe it to be more than a nice gesture. When you massage the soft tissue you break toxins off the muscle and into the bloodstream. Any support you can give the body to help toxins release from the system is helpful. Toxins leave the body through your elemination system (urine, feces) and through sweat. So rehydrating and encouraging urination post massage I think supports the body's natural de-tox system.

I have offered a small bottle of water to all my clients after their massage. I gave up on the toxin thing years ago. What I tell clients is that since their muscles and blood are mostly water, it is a good idea to stay hydrated and keep their blood volume high. Since many are coffee drinkers and maybe slightly dehydrated, water is a good thing. However, I am aware that some people may be on medications that interfere, so I am also cautious and don't tell people that they need to drink their 8 glasses per day.

Flushing, thats for my plants, water is for everything.



Jody I guess I'm still big on the release of toxins because I am a yoga instructor and nutrition enthusiast as well as being a massage therapist. So, I'm passionate about promoting healthy lifestyle choices including (especially :P) supporting the body's natural movement toward balance. I personally try to drink a lot of water after I receive a massage to help my body eliminate whatever toxins where released into my bloodstream and I think it's part of the "feeling great" I get from being a massage client. Anywho, I just thought I'd respond....I think your explanation is excellent also and I'll probably add it to my little 3 second water speech at the end of the massage :)


Jody C. Hutchinson said:

I have offered a small bottle of water to all my clients after their massage. I gave up on the toxin thing years ago. What I tell clients is that since their muscles and blood are mostly water, it is a good idea to stay hydrated and keep their blood volume high. Since many are coffee drinkers and maybe slightly dehydrated, water is a good thing. However, I am aware that some people may be on medications that interfere, so I am also cautious and don't tell people that they need to drink their 8 glasses per day.

Flushing, thats for my plants, water is for everything.



At the risk of beating a dead horse, there is nothing wrong with telling your clients to drink's a nice gesture.  However, research has shown that the "massage flushes out toxins" is a myth that, unfortunately, keeps getting passed down by therapists that just won't/can't accept the fact.  And you certainly DON'T break toxins off the muscle and into the bloodstream.  So, offer your clients water...just don't make claims that are just not true.  You'll be a better therapist because you will be better versed.

Choice, don't assume that I "can't/won't" accept this fact. One of my instructors, who was a nurse, taught me that. It made sense to me so I didn't question it...figured she knew what she was talking about and have never read anything that "debunks" it. I plan on doing some research now though....thanks

If the research was done after 1997 that could explain why she thought that HAHA

Lucianna Johnston said:

Choice, don't assume that I "can't/won't" accept this fact. One of my instructors, who was a nurse, taught me that. It made sense to me so I didn't question it...figured she knew what she was talking about and have never read anything that "debunks" it. I plan on doing some research now though....thanks

Toxins???? released from the body?  Like what?   If you smoke joint..get a will still flunk a drug test the next day.. There are many myths out there...So is it mercury or aluminum.??  If thats the case, wont have to worry about alzhimers any more.. If we get a massage can we eat fish that are contaminated with DDT, and have it massaged out of your body with a series of massages.? way. Would there be a  more meserable amount then normal leaving your body after a massage... What are the toxins?  Massage is a great modality, but pretty worthless for toxins.   Drinking water is healthy of course.. but...........

I wouldn't say worthless. Massage increases circulation therefore increasing the bodies ability to release waste. Waste from foods you eat, from the environment and cellular waste that is always present. Geez, you people mike it sound like I'm a total idiot for saying something that isn't that far from the truth....chill out already. I will admit, the information I was given about toxins being released from tissue as a result of tissue manipulation does seem inaccurate as I have been doing some research this evening. That being said, our brilliant human bodies have systems in place for waste/toxin removal....I know you all know what those are..increasing circulation (which massage does do) will assist that process. Drinking water is a wonderful way to support that process.


Alright :) I think the horse is good and dead now...unless someone else wants to rant about the idiocy of telling a client to drink water so they can flush their system??? Night all!

Hey,,your cool Lucianna...I always like to play sort of a devils advocate in here..I very well could be incorrect with whatever I say in here..Just doesn't make sense to me though..But who am I ? ... But maybe there is a better word then toxins?  How about. Waist products of metabolism?  I dont even know if thats true?  Would there be a difference thats measurable after a massage compared to just drinking more water without a massage?  Is there a scientist in here?

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