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I have a busy, 40 clients / week private practise. I was taught a special way or given a tool, to help people respect my time and reduce no shows to less than one person a month, which is amazing because I have a strict policy to NEVER call clients with appointment reminders. This tool is called a Blessing Box.

The Blessing Box is a place where I put ALL tips and all missed appointment fees (I charge a full fee for no show no notice, 1/2 fee for last minute cancellations, emergencies understood). I use these funds in several ways - Basically they defer costs to someone who needs repeat visits but who can not afford my services. I also use these funds to gift my best clients with in a special way; I give them a gift certificate to give to someone who is in NEED read PAIN. It makes them the hero and we all need a hero! I clearly post my Blessing Box policies on my fee schedule - my clients love it!!! If they screw up and forget an appointment they know the monies they have to shell out will help someone else - it takes the sting out! The clients who get mad about paying for a massage they never got because they forgot - they have a choice to rebook or not.
I have used the Blessing Box for twenty plus years, my clients understand it's purpose and have never abused it; in fact they support it.

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That sounds like a great idea! Is it something physical that you keep in your room, or just a special account you have set up for extra goodies?
Rudy, You The Man! Great concept, simple and progressive! Hats off to you buddy! Keep the Faith!
There is a place - center wall - under a Hawaiian picture which is titled Asking For A Blessing - I have a box with three open compartments: to the left a space for prayer requests, in the middle a place for funds/donations etc... to the right a place for things I and others are gratefull for and thankyou cards.

Rachel Sheard said:
That sounds like a great idea! Is it something physical that you keep in your room, or just a special account you have set up for extra goodies?
That is a great Idea!
Very inspiring Rudi!
I Love it! Thanks for sharing this .

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