massage and bodywork professionals
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I have been practicing as a chiropractor, and I ami interested to know if I have implemented a good website that combines massage therapy and chiropractic treatment information to prospective clients.
Massage Therapist Longview, WA
Let me know if you think this website is good for combining chiropractic and massage.
Views: 210
First the slide for back pain needs to be completed. It has gibberish filler left on it.
The layout looks good but I find it a bit offensive saying that massage is best under Chiropractic supervision. We are independently licensed and have much to offer on our own. Perhaps you could explain the relationship of massage and chiropractic and why what you offer gets better results for your patients.
The services sound more like you are expanding into spa services rather than augmenting your own Chiropractic skills by having in house massage available.
Good luck as you develop the site.
I agree with Daniel, who like myself, has been doing massage work for 30 years....I would only suggest contacting the chiropractor in the above link as how he works with and markets his massage therapists. Really.
Massage Therapy
We have three licensed massage therapists from relaxation, hotstone, essential oils, deep tissue massage,or Rain Drop technique, to help your health care needs.
spell check (therapy)
"We feel like massage (theapy) is best done when overseen by a chiropractor. You will have the opportunity to have your massage provided to you by one of three massage therapists who are overseen by Dr. Still."
Change to :-
Massage therapy can achieve amazing results, I have personally assessed and chosen 3 highly skilled therapists with whom I have established a close working partnership. This will maximises your healing potential and speed your recovery.
Hi Dr Still
The picture used may put off people suffering neck pain as they may think you do not provide face holes in your massage couch.
I agree with Daniel the massage offered could be more medically orientated, eg triggerpoint Therapy, Neuromuscular Therapy.
Stephen typos are easy "This will maximises your healing potential and speed your recovery." maximizes.
But your rewrite is not demeaning of MTs and I believe shows the patient it is therapeutic rather than simply relaxation or entertainment. From the original though I am assuming (always dangerous) the later is the case.
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