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Kinesio Tapeing do you use it ? how helpfull to your practice has it been ?

I completed KT1 and 2 recently and was wondering how it has helped your practice ?

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I would be interested in any feedback on this as well, I am hoping to complete KT1 and 2 in March and would like to know how well this can be integrated into a practice.
I have been using Kinesio tape now for a little over 3 years after my first K1 and 2 classes. I completed K3 last year and yesterday finally got around to finishing the certification test and sending that in. I have found it to be a great tool for many applications, and as my clients have become educated in it's benefits and usage it has become something that people will come to me specifically for. I have quite a few pre-event "stretch and tape" clients that I see for injury prevention. I have used lymph drainage taping for edema in post joint replacement, mastectomy, surgical trauma (I have some great photos of those if you are interested). I do fairly deep facial work on some of my clients and it has the ability to help maintain the changes from the session for a longer period of time. It's applications are really endless and its effects are powerful.
I have to say, three years ago when I came home from my first courses I suggested tape application to a few of my clients for various problems and I was met with a one eyebrow raised and a reluctance to wear the tape as recommended, even though they for the most part had good results. After the summer olympics and people were talking about the Kinesio they saw on all the athletes, and suddenly they were all on board and ready to give it another go. Nothing like a little free publicity and exposure!
Good luck to you, I'm sure you will find the more you use it, the more uses you will find for it.
Hi Lorrie
I took a look at your home page and have seen that you have answered questions on kinesio tapeing before!

thanks for this information, very helpfull .
I think it has mostly a placebo effect.... but as we know a placebo effect is a highly potent phenomenon.
I use it for myself and occasionally on clients.
Hopefully these photos attached properly. This is an example of a type of kinesio tape application to channel lymph and stagnent blood from a trauma site. A good visual to explain the ability of the tape to lift the skin and effect the tissue beneath. Or maybe this is placebo?? :)
This is great Lorrie, these pics show exactely how effective the tapeing can be ! My tutor had ones v simular to these, they dont leave any room for doubt !

Lorrie said:
Hopefully these photos attached properly. This is an example of a type of kinesio tape application to channel lymph and stagnent blood from a trauma site. A good visual to explain the ability of the tape to lift the skin and effect the tissue beneath. Or maybe this is placebo?? :)
First 2 photos, 4 days post surg, 3rd photo 48 hrs after first taping. Pretty cool stuff.
I too use the Kinesio tape with similar results. Patient's remark it is like magic.
love your work!  just did kt 1 & kt 2 and going to take kt3 jan 22nd....would love to hear more stories.  I use the tape on TOS, and want to try on PAES and ECS

Lorrie J. LMT, CKTP said:
First 2 photos, 4 days post surg, 3rd photo 48 hrs after first taping. Pretty cool stuff.

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