massage and bodywork professionals

a community of practitioners

March 2010 Blog Posts (39)

Looking forward to fun-fill, information packed weekend at World massage Festival

Mike, Paul Lewis here, I'm looking forward to the fun-filled,

information packed weekend you have lined up for us at the Festival. I think you did a great job promoting and bringing it all together. Someone mentioned that I might be the very first Canadian to be invited to present there,,,wow! If so, Its an honour.

It looks like a great venue and I am excited to join you in bringing knowledge, fun

and new ideas to the table. I have an information-jammed seminar prepared to add to… Continue

Added by Paul Lewis, RMT, NCBTMB,MFHT on March 30, 2010 at 7:42pm — 2 Comments

Self-care takes effort - but it's worth it!

An interesting subject came up in a recent interview for a Dutch massage magazine. After speaking for a while, the interviewer said to me "so it sounds like you expect therapists to rearrange their home life and work life. That sounds like a lot of effort - do you think they'll be willing to do that?" I found that to be a surprising question, but I realized that a lot of therapists probably are thinking the same thing: wow, it takes a lot of effort and thought to prevent injury.

Well,… Continue

Added by Lauriann Greene, CEAS on March 30, 2010 at 8:51am — 8 Comments

The future of the massage profession??

I sometimes wonder about the future of the massage profession and where it might be in another 20 years. I know when I first started in 1987 with my little 250 hours of training, I would have never thought I'd last this long. Back then there was no such thing as getting a job in massage - a real employee job. Any job back then was an independent contractor. My rent was $100 in my first office space in a gym and that was split between 2 people!

I think the biggest change was in having… Continue

Added by Julie Onofrio on March 29, 2010 at 11:00pm — 11 Comments


Within the past month, I have voluntarily subjected myself to the following:

* HIV Test

* TB Test

* Full Physical

* Sex Offender Registry Clearance

* Local Police Background Check

* Local Fingerprinting

* FBI –Biometric Fingerprinting

* Home Inspection (I will liken this to a massage establishment inspection.)

* A Passport Photo (It might as well be a mug shot if it is like my last one.)

My husband and I have entered the exciting and… Continue

Added by Ivy Hultquist on March 29, 2010 at 7:30pm — 2 Comments

How do you face your fears down?

I absolutely love teaching. I used to teach theatre management and theatre history, sometimes directing and acting. But I adore teaching massage most of all. Now I am being offered the position of Director in charge of our campus's massage school.
I'm honored but also fearful. I had been director at a state university's performing arts center. The stress and politics nearly killed me. After a bout with a brain tumor, I chose to switch careers instead of pursuing my PhD and go into massage.…

Added by Kelly Grounds on March 28, 2010 at 11:36pm — 8 Comments

Are Long Legs Really Better?

According to Herman Pontzer, Ph.D (Journal of Experimental Biology), fossil records show that 2 million yrs. ago, human leg length suddenly began to increase...presumably to conserve energy during long distance travel. Pontzer's model predicts the rate of energy use related to limb length, i.e., longer legs = less force production = lower energy cost.

To test his equation, Pontzer put people, dogs and goats on a…

Added by Erik Dalton, Ph.D. on March 28, 2010 at 12:40pm — 3 Comments

los Angeles

Hi Friends. I am from Australia, attending the World Low back Pain congress as a presenter. Looking for private accommodation Nov 8-15. Reward can be a gold standard structural integration using latest techniques for migratory fascia syndrome. Or money! Let me know soon if interested so I can make arrangements. Thanks Peter

Added by Peter Lelean on March 27, 2010 at 5:32am — 2 Comments

Expect More, with Les - March 25, 2010

5k - Celebrating Community.

Added by Les Sweeney on March 25, 2010 at 3:06pm — No Comments

Hey All 5,000+ of You, I Look Forward to Your Input!

Membership for has now reached 5,248 and continues to grow on a daily basis. There are many communities under this larger, umbrella community, and I am thrilled with the dynamic nature of this network. Kudos to you, all the bodywork practitioners who are making this a relevant venue for idea exchange in the massage world!

For members out there who have yet to join a group, start a discussion, jump into a… Continue

Added by ABMP on March 25, 2010 at 10:00am — 8 Comments

March Madness

If you follow basketball, you it is that time of year, March Madness. As an Iowa resident, I tuned in Thursday to watch the University of Northern Iowa Panthers take on the number one ranked and seeded Kansas Jayhawks.

UNI, the smallest state college, had not beaten a number one ranked team since 1962. Very few people had faith in the underdog when picking their bracket winners. My husband, a UNI alum, did not pick them, Obama did not pick them, and most everyone else in America did… Continue

Added by Ivy Hultquist on March 23, 2010 at 4:26pm — No Comments

Pain relief through energy block release

My training started with an herbalist who taught me how to release pain through energy points. All have energy within us. This same energy can be used to release blocked energy signals in those experiencing pain. Negative energy must be reversed before using this method. For more information

Added by Wayne Vogeler on March 21, 2010 at 5:21am — No Comments

Where Does Energy Work Belong?

The comment period for the second draft of the Massage Therapy Body of Knowledge ended a week ago. I’ve made comments on both drafts, and I hope you have too.

A number of my own comments were in regard to the amount of energy work-related statements that were included. I don’t think most of it belongs there. Before anyone gets their chakras in a twist at me, let

me state that Healing Touch was the very first class I ever took,…


Added by Laura Allen on March 19, 2010 at 7:00am — 133 Comments

Early Registration for Alliance Conference ends April 1

Alliance for Massage Therapy Education

First Annual Conference | Park City, Utah | June 3-5, 2010

Save $100 on registration for this history-making event and sign up by April 1!

Join massage school directors, administrators, teachers and continuing education providers for three days of workshops, discussions,… Continue

Added by Rick Rosen on March 16, 2010 at 1:06pm — No Comments

More Limitations of Diagnostic Findings

In a recent post on my Myofascial Release Exchange Blog, I posted some interesting findings on false positive MRI results with respect to back, neck, and shoulder abnormalities. I came across another study that calls into question the validity of using MRI results as primary means of diagnosing dysfunction. A study just published by…


Added by Walt Fritz, PT on March 15, 2010 at 10:23am — 2 Comments

Massage Nerd Says It All!

'>Ryan says!

Added by Mike Hinkle on March 15, 2010 at 9:39am — 2 Comments

Massage Franchises: Taking the Discussion Further

First off, I would like to thank my wife, Ivy, for letting me hijack her blog post this week!

I recently read the Massage & Bodywork article, “Massage Franchises: The Impact on the Profession” (twice, in fact). Even though I felt the article was fairly slanted, I will withhold my feelings about massage franchises for the purposes of this discussion. As a marketer, I just feel there is so much more to say on how franchises will affect the market of massage therapy, and what… Continue

Added by Ivy Hultquist on March 15, 2010 at 7:00am — 23 Comments

2011 World Massage Festival Site Wins Presidential Award!!

First it was Berea College winning the Arbor Day Award and just being a fantastic school. Now we get news about Western Carolina University winning this award. I still think colleges and universities are the way to go for the industry to save our therapists hundreds of dollars each. WCU is as big as some cities and is the perfect location. From fly-fishing to massage research, there will be something for everyone.…


Added by Mike Hinkle on March 14, 2010 at 9:39pm — 1 Comment

me, me, me

my massage

Added by Mike Smelser on March 14, 2010 at 9:19pm — No Comments


I am just learning the trade and wonder what is involved in doing the medical insurance paper work for doctor ordered message. If I open my own practice, should I just plan on hiring a temp once a week to take care of that? I am terrible at paperwork and what to be successful at this. What do the rest of the independent shops do? I have a few months to go (May) before I get my license. Thanks.

Added by Sam Norwich on March 14, 2010 at 6:26pm — 1 Comment

Message From Ricky Phillips of Styx On Massage for Children

From Ricky Phillips Blog: April 2006

Hey gang,…


Added by Wendy Smith,LMT,MTI, on March 12, 2010 at 7:08pm — No Comments

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