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How many hours /days a week do you work as a massage Therapist ?

Hi everyone,

I'm planning to start working in massage therapy in October ( I had a baby 6 months ago, right after I graduated from school).
I want to work part time and already have a job offer. I can make my own schedule so I work as little or as much as I want.
I'm trying to figure out what days should I work to have the biggest possibility to have a full schedule. I'm planning on working 10h a week.
I shoul add we have a big community of stayed at home moms .
I would work in new open. Pilates , yoga and massage studio.
Anybody is working in a place like that?
What are the most common days people schedule appointments? During week or weekends?
Any advice?

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I work in a day spa.  You can usually count on Fridays and Saturdays to be very busy. 

What days do they have the largest classes scheduled. That should be the busy times. 10 hours, does that mean you will work 2or 3 days/week? I have a massage clinic and corporate chair massage business. In this business you can work as much or as little as you want.

Well you've a place to work already.  So just worry about school.  Once you start working and am able to check the place out.  You will be able to adjust your hours the way you want, or can.   lol   You're lucky, I think?

Probably I would work 3 days- week but not necessarily. I live 5 min away so I could always just come for one massage if I need to.
Gordon- I don't quite understand the school part.
I graduated already and school is my past now.
Most likely I will have that job but not 100%.
I don't know the class schedule because the studio opens in October .

Yea sorry, I mis understuood what you were saying.

Dominika Stackowicz said:

Probably I would work 3 days- week but not necessarily. I live 5 min away so I could always just come for one massage if I need to.
Gordon- I don't quite understand the school part.
I graduated already and school is my past now.
Most likely I will have that job but not 100%.
I don't know the class schedule because the studio opens in October .

I don't know what it always is the way, but I have found out that Saturdays are busy (but tend to bring the newbies). Where as Sundays and weekdays is when the regulars tend to book.

When you say you only want to work 10 hours a week are you talking about 10 hours of booked appointments or 10 hours of shift time? Those two are different. If you want to see 10 clients a week, then you need your book open at least 15-20 hours a week. It will be rare in the beginning to have back to back clients. When you book builds then you can reduce/compact your hours.

If you only want to work 10 hours a week, well if you book is only open 10 hours you might get only a few clients.

In order to build business you may want to offer massage to some of the teachers, hopefully they can talk you up. Or you can start taking classes and get "know". I go to yoga class 3xs a week at my job (because I need it), the teachers occasionally will mention that I do massage. It's nice, though never expected.

Good luck!

I would probably do 10 massages. Thank you for suggestions.
I'm planning also on attending classes there ;)

I work primarily from my home office but travel at least once or twice a week. Being my own boss allows me to create my own schedule. I work "by appointment only" so I really don't have a schedule. I take appointments every day and the earliest is 8am and the latest is 8pm. It really does vary but between my slow/busy weeks I average from 15-25 clients per week.

*Make extra $$ with me in your spare time:

That's what my husband said that I should have pretty open schedule and just limit the number of massages. So if for example my week will be full of 10 massages even by Wednesday that is it.

Is that a good idea? Because I have a almost 7 month old baby and I stayed home until now, it would be hard to do more. I will start with 10 massages and if I would like more i can always increase it.
Oh one more question has anyone done complementary massages ( with membership) in health center? Did you get paid anything for that or you had to do it for free? Is it for marketing to get more clients?

One thing to consider, if it hasn't been mentioned already, is your physical condition. If you are well conditioned, then you can jump in at any pace. But, if it has been a while since  your last job, you may want to ease into it to give yourself some time to build up. Also, consider your stretching, water and mental/spiritual habits. Remember, protect yourself first, or you'll be out of the game in no time. 

Thank you Steven for reminder. I never worked in massage therapy other than school so I am a beginner.
After having a baby I forgot basics about self care as well
So I do need to remember that.
I guess the most scared I am of somebody having a serious condition and consulting it with a doctor. I need to review everything before going to work that's for sure!

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