massage and bodywork professionals

a community of practitioners

    Since being on this site I have discovered that we all fight stereo-typing of our chosen profession.  We all work/study to the highest level of our professional ability.  I was professionally offended by the commercial of Danica and the massage therapist.  It wasn't funny to me.  As a woman their commercials are disturbing, but now godaddy has picked my/our profession.

I have sent a complaint to and I am wondering what everyone else thinks of this portrayal?

Did it bother you?   How many of your clients will bring it up?  Or was it just advertising?



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why? Benny Hill was the BOMB!! laugh my ass off with him. and I'm a Brit...just raised on the other side. :)

Rick Britton said:
all right thinking Brits are embarrassed and ashamed that our greatest exports have been Benny Hill and Mr. Bean.

its just not right
Ok, I have a pretty good sense of humor. I can see the humor in most situations, but you know, there are societal lines that simply must be drawn. Some people don't see anything wrong with 5 year old girls being made up and dressed like grown women, yet they will bark rather loudly when some sexual predator kills one (Jon Benet Ramsey). Sex sells, sex sells, sex sells, but also sex kills, sex kills, sex kills. Dramatic yes, ridiculous, no.

Sex also makes money. Bob Parsons doesn't deny any of this and he is proud that his controversial commercials give him a lot of "free publicity" - the best marketing tool there is????????

So, people, be careful what you respond to in the advertising world. If its funny to you, laugh, but consider who might get hurt as a result of it. Make a statement about it. Try NOT to be part of the problem, but become more active in providing a solution.

This commercial, while maybe funny to some people, sends a message to weirdos who are basically illiterate but watch a lot of football, that its normal for a massage therapist to rip open her shirt to show somebody's advertisement on her shirt with her breasts protruding, while wearing short shorts and heels.

Come on!!
Did someone call my name ?? I'm with Marrisa, choice, lisa and I really like the idea of a male in 3 inch heels doing the ad ....where's the petition for that ???? I nominate Chriss Moyer.

This is so interesting ! so the USA is full of red neck men that can't get through a single day without reffering to our profession and extra's ??

If you keep this up, am sure the ratings will encourage go daddy will oblige you with another butt less tastefull ad.

Lisa said:
why? Benny Hill was the BOMB!! laugh my ass off with him. and I'm a Brit...just raised on the other side. :)

Rick Britton said:
all right thinking Brits are embarrassed and ashamed that our greatest exports have been Benny Hill and Mr. Bean.

its just not right
"weirdos who are basically illiterate but watch a lot of football" ... wow. I would think if "they" are illiterate than they really wouldn't be able to afford a massage anyhow. but that might just be me being naive.

Sorry but i'm not going to jump on the bandwagon that sex is a 3 letter word for bad. cause well...bad is it's own 3 letter word.

but we're all gonna get so riled up over a commercial that isn't going to affect our daily lives then i'd say it's a waste of energy. and please find me ONE MT that can share a story of a "bad" session because of that commercial. if you're gonna get up in arms about you hang up your MT hat and put your political one on, since there are many worse things that affect our profession than a for instance the Kockouts that promote massage to men done by beautiful women, the Massage Envy therapist that raped a woman and the Craigslist therapist murder. there are always going to be "bad" situations. It's part of life. i'd rather choose to live life focusing on the good in the world and not the bad.

Deborah Herriage said:
Ok, I have a pretty good sense of humor. I can see the humor in most situations, but you know, there are societal lines that simply must be drawn. Some people don't see anything wrong with 5 year old girls being made up and dressed like grown women, yet they will bark rather loudly when some sexual predator kills one (Jon Benet Ramsey). Sex sells, sex sells, sex sells, but also sex kills, sex kills, sex kills. Dramatic yes, ridiculous, no.

Sex also makes money. Bob Parsons doesn't deny any of this and he is proud that his controversial commercials give him a lot of "free publicity" - the best marketing tool there is????????

So, people, be careful what you respond to in the advertising world. If its funny to you, laugh, but consider who might get hurt as a result of it. Make a statement about it. Try NOT to be part of the problem, but become more active in providing a solution.

This commercial, while maybe funny to some people, sends a message to weirdos who are basically illiterate but watch a lot of football, that its normal for a massage therapist to rip open her shirt to show somebody's advertisement on her shirt with her breasts protruding, while wearing short shorts and heels.

Come on!!
I Love the Tapotement part!!!!! Give me a good laugh!!!!!! I didnt watch the superbowl, just heard about the commercial. I havent had anyone bring it up yet.

Joseph Matties said:
I think it just reminded more people that they need a massage. Thats the way I took it. You have someone thats a role model getting a massage, others are going to want one to be like her. I didn't really think people were going to see the godaddy shirt rip and associate that with the massage. If you wear a good daddy shirt into work this week then you brought it on yourself.

+1 go daddy for putting us out there. I'll take all the help I can get. Just spin it as something good.

If someone acts out of line because of that comercial, then slap the pi$$ out of them and call it tapotment. " Sorry was that too much pressure?"
I think the only reason it bothers me is because as a massage therapist, and as a profession, we have really had to fight hard for the little respect we do get. I still have men who come in thinking massage is something totally different than what I have to offer. We can really thank our predecessors from the era of prostitution for the reason we have to fight so hard to be considered professionals. I did get a good chuckle when the girl fell in the pool, she"deserved" that. I think now, more than ever, we need to move forward as a group and educate the general population about massage and its benefits. The more people who are educated about massage will realize it was just a commercial and not an accurate portrayal of our profession.
Heather, I have to think that most people did realize that it was a commercial and not an accurate portrayal of our profession. And you said "fight hard for the little respect we do get". I don't know about you, but I get a tremendous amount of respect from most people when they find out what I do.....

Rick....don't forget....ya'll gave us Monty Python and for that I am eternally grateful.

Stephen.....only you would want to see a male in 3" heels. :)

All of this talk about petitioning GoDaddy........I think I'm going to petition Snickers candy bar (the Mars Company) for the abuse done to Betty White and Abe Vigoda. To allow poor Betty to be tackled and put in the mud by some young dude is disgraceful to the elderly in our country and shows the way we allow them to be treated with such disrespect.
Now that's funny.

Choice Kinchen said:
Heather, I have to think that most people did realize that it was a commercial and not an accurate portrayal of our profession. And you said "fight hard for the little respect we do get". I don't know about you, but I get a tremendous amount of respect from most people when they find out what I do.....
Rick....don't forget....ya'll gave us Monty Python and for that I am eternally grateful.
Stephen.....only you would want to see a male in 3" heels. :)

All of this talk about petitioning GoDaddy........I think I'm going to petition Snickers candy bar (the Mars Company) for the abuse done to Betty White and Abe Vigoda. To allow poor Betty to be tackled and put in the mud by some young dude is disgraceful to the elderly in our country and shows the way we allow them to be treated with such disrespect.
i hear the police are gathering in numbers to protest the Simpsons of their portrayal of fat cops that eat donuts.

Choice Kinchen said:
Heather, I have to think that most people did realize that it was a commercial and not an accurate portrayal of our profession. And you said "fight hard for the little respect we do get". I don't know about you, but I get a tremendous amount of respect from most people when they find out what I do.....

Rick....don't forget....ya'll gave us Monty Python and for that I am eternally grateful.

Stephen.....only you would want to see a male in 3" heels. :)

All of this talk about petitioning GoDaddy........I think I'm going to petition Snickers candy bar (the Mars Company) for the abuse done to Betty White and Abe Vigoda. To allow poor Betty to be tackled and put in the mud by some young dude is disgraceful to the elderly in our country and shows the way we allow them to be treated with such disrespect.
Wish you guys would give this a rest, you know.

I didn't get upset about the ad - there are worse things out there, but isn't it time that you guys realized that people have different levels of what is acceptable to them and respect them and their actions?

I'm glad people are taking action. Why don't you guys start doing something about some of the aspects that might get on your nerves instead of making of fun of what people have chosen to do? It might be a better use of your time.
Lisa, Did you see the green police commercial
, speaking of cops and doughnuts........

Lisa said:
i hear the police are gathering in numbers to protest the Simpsons of their portrayal of fat cops that eat donuts.

Choice Kinchen said:
Heather, I have to think that most people did realize that it was a commercial and not an accurate portrayal of our profession. And you said "fight hard for the little respect we do get". I don't know about you, but I get a tremendous amount of respect from most people when they find out what I do.....

Rick....don't forget....ya'll gave us Monty Python and for that I am eternally grateful.

Stephen.....only you would want to see a male in 3" heels. :)

All of this talk about petitioning GoDaddy........I think I'm going to petition Snickers candy bar (the Mars Company) for the abuse done to Betty White and Abe Vigoda. To allow poor Betty to be tackled and put in the mud by some young dude is disgraceful to the elderly in our country and shows the way we allow them to be treated with such disrespect.
I think everyone understands and respects the differing opinions here. I think it has been a very healthy discussion. I love dialogs like this. You can learn a lot about people and their thought process. I don't think anyone is making fun of what people are doing. It has been enlightening and insightful. I think people can give it a rest when they so desire. No one is forcing any of us to keep coming back and participating.

I made my comments in order to lighten up the discussion. I'm hoping most people see that way. If you know me, I don't always wear the serious blanket all the time like some. I thought it was a PERFECT use of my time.


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