massage and bodywork professionals

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January 2011 Blog Posts (30)

Tips for Massage Therapists on Avoiding Massage Burnout and Career Fatigue

It is an exciting journey for massage therapists to go to and graduate from school, pass licensing exams, and start working. But for some massage therapists, work can become overwhelming over time and they may experience massage "burnout". This can cause some therapists to abandon their career due to fatigue and frustration. While this is infrequent, it is important to adopt some healthy habits in order to stay well and love your career year after year! While massage therapists want to work…


Added by Laurie Craig on January 28, 2011 at 1:52pm — No Comments

I am new to the Massage Bodywork World


My name is Andrea and I wanted to introduce myself. I am a Massage Therapist student ready to graduate in April. I hope to continue my education in Engery work and infant massage. I am so happy to find sometihing in my life that I love as much as God and my family. I love making people happy, relaxed and centered.

I would welcome any feedback about what's next in my career. What should I do as soon as I pass my National Certification? Where should I look for clients? and…


Added by Andrea Scott on January 25, 2011 at 7:04pm — 2 Comments

Happy Birthday to Bonnie Prudden.

Words cannot express what a great lady Bonnie is.  Or how much she means to me.  May she always have those that love her around her.

Added by Louise Trickel on January 25, 2011 at 4:06pm — 3 Comments

Be an Expert Massage Therapist

Privai Academy offers classes to enhance your skills in the field of Esthethics and Massage!


Esalen Massage Intro

On February 10, 2011

Registration Deadline February 6, 2011


Esalen Massage Level 2



Added by Privai Academy on January 25, 2011 at 6:30am — No Comments



Ready to start  massage again had to stop do to some family emergency and really need that extra income. NEED HELP SOMBODY!!!!!!!!

Added by Kimberley Ashby on January 21, 2011 at 6:06am — 4 Comments

Where to begin...

I want to look at starting my own business as a therapist, but I don't know where to start. I'm on information overload from looking at the SBA website. This just isn't getting any easier. I really need to start making some moves now, we are running out of money. I recently lost a job at a certain massage chain. (no mention of names, but I think I was singled out) I feel like I'm running out of time. But then, time is all I have these days... Ah the hamster wheel of life. 


Added by Kelly Tedrow on January 20, 2011 at 9:41pm — 1 Comment

Follow Up!



I’m simply amazed that we here in the United States are still in a recession (or an actual depression in Las Vegas) and customer service is STILL so bad.  I won’t cover the broad topic of customer service here, but only touch on it in regards to following up with clients, patients, friends, family, etc., etc. 


Let’s say that one massage client slips through the cracks and you don’t follow up with them.  You charge $60.00 per massage.  They don’t re-schedule…


Added by Las Vegas Massage In Summerlin on January 20, 2011 at 4:55pm — 8 Comments

Massage Therapist Creates Definitive Muscular Anatomy App for iphone/ipad/ipod touch!

After a year and a half of work we are excited to share Anatomy In Motion!


Press Release: 


Brooklyn, New york – Melissa Finley, LMT of Mending Hands Massage Therapy wanted a better way to show her clients what was going on with their bodies. She also wanted something that was medically…


Added by Melissa Finley on January 19, 2011 at 8:59pm — No Comments

Wipe Out

Wipe Out


This post has nothing to do with the Surfari’s song, I just happen to love it.

How many times have you seen a client for a follow up visit and they tell you that they were completely wiped out after their last session? It happens often enough at my clinic that I try to ward people about the phenomenon. They will ask me why it…


Added by Walt Fritz, PT on January 19, 2011 at 1:00pm — No Comments

The Power of EFT-Emotional Freedom Techniques

Meridian Tapping Technique, 2 Day Class in Miami Florida February 25 and 26 in South Miami. Only $225.00. Register Today!

This innovative technique is the perfect addition to your therapy sessions.…


Added by Lucia Rodriguez on January 18, 2011 at 10:07pm — No Comments

The Value of Massage by Andrew Wolfe,LMP

Health care is on the minds of most people, whether they have it, need it, or don't have the right policy due to financial infeasibility, to acquire or maintain it. Unfortunately when it comes to health, if you don't invest in it now, you pay for it later, as the investment of our bodies seem to yield higher rates of health issue returns to our lives as we age. As it stands now, preventative health is not recognized under most health insurance policies unless it comes… Continue

Added by Andrew Wolfe,LMP,Mms. on January 17, 2011 at 8:06pm — No Comments

Cold and Flu season; Increase your immunity with massage by Andrew Wole,LMP

Harvest is upon us again. It is a time to gather and take in the bounty of our labors. It is also a time of reflection, a time to look within and assess our needs; to take inventory and appreciate what we have. In the medical community and with the reminders in the media, we realize it is also cold and flu season, a time when we can deplete our immune system. When this happens not just the individual suffers but all those around them do also.

As a society we have been informed of… Continue

Added by Andrew Wolfe,LMP,Mms. on January 17, 2011 at 8:05pm — No Comments

Water-natures natural healing remedy by Andrew Wolfe,LMP

Have you ever been told by your massage therapist after receiving a massage to drink plenty of water? You may ask yourself, ''Why is this"?

The body is mostly composed of fluids. The skin holds the fluids in as well as holding other structures together - like a body suit. Fluids in the body consist of lymph, blood, cerebrospinal fluid as well as other fluids as carriers to help in the transportation, distribution and elimination process. It thereby supports the ability to heal, restore,… Continue

Added by Andrew Wolfe,LMP,Mms. on January 17, 2011 at 8:03pm — No Comments

Clarifying massage and insurance coverage by Andrew Wolfe,LMP

It has come to my attention the need for more education about massage therapy benefits and the coverage under insurance.

First, providership is essential for the practitioner, whom is qualified by credentialing and training.

Second, is the need to look at the individual (patient’s) plan, provision and policy of the insured, whether it be an individual or group plan. Just because a provider is listed as preferred on your insurance plan does not mean you have… Continue

Added by Andrew Wolfe,LMP,Mms. on January 17, 2011 at 8:00pm — No Comments

The Self-publishing/Massage Therapist Correlation

Added a post on my blog about entrepreneurship you may find interesting:


Hope you're having a great day, or making it one.



Added by Robert Chute on January 17, 2011 at 10:11am — No Comments

Continuing Education Providers: Sink or Swim

Every time I turn around, it seems that something is on the horizon that affects CE providers–and the therapists who are obligated to get CE in order to maintain their license.  The latest salvo has been fired from the state of Maryland, where legislation is afoot with big changes in the CE environment. According to the Maryland Chapter of AMTA, the proposed regulations mean that…


Added by Laura Allen on January 17, 2011 at 6:17am — No Comments

Massage Therapist Needed

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I hope your year has started out great.

I started my business Massage Professionals of Illinois, Inc. We are hiring Massage Therapist for my corporate massage business. I need Massage Therapist to build my network. I also have a corporate massage event the week of Jan 24, 2011 in Aurora, IL for 2 days only. Please forward this… Continue

Added by Tunisia Macklin on January 14, 2011 at 8:49pm — No Comments

Introduction to Ayurvedic Massage and Bodywork hands on training

Introduction to Ayurvedic Massage and Bodywork hands ontraining 

Class Includes 24 CE Hours…


Added by Mooksha Ayurveda on January 13, 2011 at 5:02am — No Comments

Opportunity to Massage @ the LIVESTRONG Austin Marathon and Half Marathon in Austin, TX

Are you interested in working the LIVESTRONG Austin Marathon and Half Marathon Post-Race Massage Tent on February 20, 2011? I am looking formassage therapists proficient in sports massage. The day is split into two shifts: 8am-12pm and 11:30am-4pm. You will need to arrive early due to road closures. Therapists will be paid in cash on race day @ the rate of 60% of a $1 a…


Added by Kathy Casey on January 10, 2011 at 11:55pm — 2 Comments

Living healthier this year, my commitment.

I am striving to be more healthy this year. I did ok last year, but it wasn't sticking because I got just plain lazy. My books are fuller this year already, so I need to take better care of myself. I plan to get more exercise, eat more modestly, keep up Isagenix program, and get more massages! Here's to me!

Added by Michelle Batac on January 10, 2011 at 10:08am — No Comments

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