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Eduardo Barrera's Blog – November 2011 Archive (5)

Give Up that Lame Groin Stretch

Prying the knees apart to stretch the groin goes in direct violation of the stretch reflex.  If we push past the set point of a muscle, the brain will re-contrat the tissues to bring it back to the set point.


Since we know stretching is bad for us and science has moved on.  What other methods or means can we use to lengthen those recalcitrant inner leg…


Added by Eduardo Barrera on November 29, 2011 at 1:43pm — No Comments

Breathe easier by Not Breathing

That's what we love about somatics exercises.  Quite often those counter-intuitive approaches ring true after we've experienced something for our self.


As an avid exerciser who overcame fibromyalgia only to have a sports injury take me out of the game, I had to make a complete paradigm shift to learn how simple, easy movement using the brain took me through the looking glass and allowed for an…


Added by Eduardo Barrera on November 23, 2011 at 11:47am — No Comments

Back Pain Relief with 35 Simple Moves

Simple, easy somatics exercises can give us back pain relief.


Each week I offer an online class where all you have to do is lie back, listen, and follow easily along.


Use these moves to help your clients and yourself in case a back goes out.



The question is, where did it go…


Added by Eduardo Barrera on November 16, 2011 at 12:04pm — No Comments

Fit Over 50 - Free Teleseminar

What's it take to be Fit Over 50.

Well, I had this dream of bringing together some of the top athletes over 50 on a phone call together.

I wanted to interview them on how YOU can use their techniques to enjoy whatever activities you're engaged in.

I've used their strategies to win some gold and silver medals at the Washington State Senior Games and U.S. National Soccer Veteran's Cup (Being a former fibromyalgia patient, now 14+ pain free years, I no longer need a…


Added by Eduardo Barrera on November 13, 2011 at 11:08am — No Comments

Stress Relief

With a number of stress relief methods to choose from, here is one which may be a little different from the rest.


Somatics exercises are unique in that they use the brain to change the signals the muscles are receiving.


In the animal world, we used to think animals stretch, but in fact the stretching we see is an act of pandiculation.


The heart of somatics…


Added by Eduardo Barrera on November 10, 2011 at 1:59am — No Comments

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